PatMan Plays Halo 5.

PatMan is back jack! I have finally finished the single player story in Halo 5. It took a lot longer for me to play this than any other Halo game as video games play a back seat to life these days. While the story was not the best in the Halo series, all the action and excitement of a single player Halo mode were there again as always. Hopefully, at some point, I will be able to hook up with some of the old crew and play it all again only this time in co-op. I have yet to play a lot of Multi player, nor have I played around with the Theater mode, but what I have played so far of Halo 5 has been good fun. Which is exactly what video games are all about. Check out nearly 5 mins of random Halo 5 clips I took while playing and I will see you all on the flip side!

Wonderpod Episode 275

Wonderpod is ready to roll for another week. It is a two man show this time around. We talk a lot about games we have been playing. Which is a nice change of pace and a sure sign the holiday season is approaching. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend!!
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Wonderpod Episode 274

Wonderpod is back to business as usual. We had a lot of fun streaming for Halloween. We really hope you did as well. This week we go back to mp3 files and all that fun stuff. Enjoy the show and have a good weekend.
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Wonderpod Episode 273

Time for a new episode of Wonderpod. Another making it up as we go type show. Next week it will be a live show on twitch with a Halloween theme. Have a great weekend!!
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Wonderpod Episode 272

We are back at it on Wonderpod. We truly enjoy getting a show out each week. So missing a week is always a tough choice. In this case it appears a week off fired up the crew. You will have to listen to the show and see if you agree. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend.
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Wonderpod Episode 271

New week, new Wonderpod. On this episode we follow up on a few topic’s from previous episodes. Hopefully we didn’t wander into dead horse territory. You will have to listen and find out. Enjoy the show!
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Wonderpod Episode 270

Wonderpod did the live thing this week. We love doing the twitch shows and will do more in the future. We still got plenty on file to entertain the mp3 audience. Enjoy the show folks!
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Wonderpod Episode 269

Time for another Wonderpod. This week a mix of ranting with mad love for a new game. Almost a throw back episode. Next week we will be live on Twitch. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend!
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Wonderpod Episode 268

Some weeks you just want to be silly. Which defines this episode of Wonderpod perfectly. We decide to play a game after a little serious business. Okay so as close to serious business as we ever get. Enjoy the show!
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PatMan Plays Grabbed By The Ghoulies. Rare Replay.

When you fire up Rare Replay and take a look at this game in motion, you might think it is running on the Xbox 360. But that is not the case. Grabbed By The Ghoulies is actually an original Xbox title that has stood the test of visual time, so to speak. The cell shaded art style still looks great today. It is a fun, lighthearted “survival horror” game in which you must escape a haunted mansion and find your girlfriend. Yeah, I know, the most generic sounding story ever right? But fortunately the game is fun so who cares. Controls are decent, and combat is actually not done with the buttons but rather with one of the sticks. This takes some getting used to, but I got the hang of it. The one thing that I don’t like is all the long load times. These are cleverly hidden with comic book style story moments, but they are noticeable none the less once you realize they are there to help distract you from the time its taking to load. Grabbed By The Ghoulies is a fun game that I will be coming back to play more of in the future. See you all on the Flip-Side!