WrestleMania 22: Big TimeWrestleMania 22: Big TimeWrestleMania 22: Big Time

The infamous gangster cameo by CM Punk happened at this WrestleMania.

The following comes to us from ThinkSoJoE over at Bored Wrestling Fan.

Day three of WrestleMania week, and we’re rolling on here at BoredWrestlingFan.com! Throughout this week I will relive the past 7 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleManias XX (which was posted Sunday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted this coming Sunday). So we’re heading to the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois, heading to the Big Time for WrestleMania 22!

Click to continue reading “WrestleMania 22: Big Time”

Shin Megami Tensei – Devil Survivor

General Overview

It’s Shin Megami Tensei as an SRPG on a portable. If that doesn’t get you going, consider the fact that there’s an interesting time mechanic, it’s based around survival, and you can change peoples’ fates. Still not enough? How about the fact that it has excellent music, visuals, difficulty, demon auctions, and a ridiculous amount of other features that are present in other SMTs? Now if THAT isn’t enough, I honestly don’t know what is.
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WrestleMania 21: WrestleMania Goes Hollywood!WrestleMania 21: WrestleMania Goes Hollywood!WrestleMania 21: WrestleMania Goes Hollywood!

This year, Hollywood Goes Away After WrestleMania.

The following appears courtesy of ThinkSoJoE.

WrestleMania week is in full swing here at BoredWrestlingFan.com, and this is part two of an eight part series. Throughout this week I will relive the past 8 WrestleMania events, starting with WrestleMania XX (which was posted yesterday) and continuing through WrestleMania XXVII (which will be posted on Sunday). So we’re heading to the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California as WrestleMania Goes Hollywood in it’s 21st edition!

Click to continue reading “WrestleMania 21: WrestleMania Goes Hollywood!”

Note: You will be take to BoredWrestlingFan.com after the jump!

Raw is Pre Wrestlemania-3-26-12Raw is Pre Wrestlemania-3-26-12Raw is Pre Wrestlemania-3-26-12

The following appears courtesy of Justin Ruff whose work also appears here, Bored Wrestling Fan, and Ruff’s Ramblings.

There are fewer bigger nights than this. Wrestlemania is the event that all events are measured by. This is the WWE’s second-to-last chance to get us to want to buy Wrestlemania.

Click here to read Good Ol’ J.R.’s review.

See that sign, Taker? It says April 1st. That's THIS Sunday... don't screw up the buy rates with your senility. It's bad enough you forgot your character has hair, let alone me having to come out here and fix a year's build towards this event!

Angry Birds In Space!

Another Angry Birds game, imagine that. I am sure some of you are groaning already. I admit I was hesitant to download Rovio’s latest installment in the franchise. So any misgivings you have is warranted. Thing is they managed to add enough new features to make this well worth 99 cents.  I find myself quite addicted, just like I did with the original.  Plus I get to yell Angry Birds in space, every time I start. Shout out to the Muppets!

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Matt B. Presents- Cena versus Rock – A Psychic Kids prediction

Once In A Lifetime…… Until Next Year!
Hi I’m Matt B. Wrestle and with us today is Bobby L. (Last name withheld to protect identity from Vince’s lawyers). Bobby has a special gift for psychic predictions and has been featured on that show on A&E program Psychic Kids. Why is he here? Well we want to use him to predict the Rock vs Cena match and its implications at Wrestlemania 28. So lets ask the first Question.
Once In A Lifetime…… Until Next Year!
Hi I’m Matt B. Wrestle and with us today is Bobby L. (Last name withheld to protect identity from Vince’s lawyers). Bobby has a special gift for psychic predictions and has been featured on that show on A&E program Psychic Kids. Why is he here? Well we want to use him to predict the Rock vs Cena match and its implications at Wrestlemania 28. So lets ask the first Question.

Matt: After seeing the return of the Doctor of Thuganomics last week what do we in store for Wrestlemania?

Bobby: I see a rough edge Cena who will be taking no garbage from anyone after Wrestlemania. I predict his feud with Kane has set Cena on his path.

Matt: So basically a return to the gray characters of the heralded Attitude Era?

Bobby: Yes and No. No because that era is dead and entertainmening albeit family oriented values are still the driving ambition.

Matt:?.. We just saw Cena curse last week and references to pie and Cena’s lady parts.

Bobby: All just little touches that add to the overall feud that will dissipate once the feud concludes. A little tease to buy the PPV

Matt: So you predict that he will return harder edge but still family friendly even after the cursing and threatening to put his nuts in Rock’s face.

Bobbi: Yes.

I pause complexed by this theory. Or should I say prediction, he is psychic after all. I go through my notes searching for more clues to a harder edged program featuring more cursing and meta wrestling. I think I found it.

Matt: Eve Torres making out with Cena who is publicly acknowledged as married. Shouldn’t this be an issue?

Bobby: No I believe all will be forgotten by April 2nd. Dwayne will go back to acting full time and everything will return to normal. Or as normal as one goes with the creative team.

Matt: More fart divas and Bella Twin pushes?

Bobby: I don’t have to be a psychic to tell you the Divas suck. edit* No offense to the divas*

Matt: But with the emergence of the male roster like Ziggler, R-truth and even Santino Marella wouldn’t this clue in to a return to anything can happen television branching out from the Cena turn to Thuganomics at Wrestlemania?

Bobby: Are you okay?

Calming myself. I believe in the knowledge that this could be the final year of our existence. 2012. The Mayan calendar. Why wouldn’t the E just go balls to the wall and give us the gray character development that we came to love during the 90’s. I finally decide to take a breath and ask about the possibilty that this is in fact a reverse Hogan.

Bobby: A reverse Hogan?

Matt: Yeah Rock took on Hogan at Wrestlemania in the SkyDome, when Hulk was still NWO and after beating him turned him face. So is it possible that the plan could include a Cena heel turn after a win over the Rock?

Bobby pauses for a minute. Deep in thought. I was so expecting him to put his hand on his temples, Charles Xavier style but he just thinks on it. He appears to convulse suddenly and for a minute there I think I broke him with the impossible question. When hs eyes roll into the back of his head I’m almost ready to call the paramedics. But suddenly his hands go up to stop me.

Bobby: What you hope for seems to be certain. Only if WWe creative doesn’t hear about this interview first.

The dread takes over as I envision my own psychic revelation as Vince having one of his underlings coming across my article and deciding to change everything at the last minute. Invalidating this prediction and thus dooming us to another stale albeit profitable Wrestlemania.

Matt: So we can’t tell anyone?

Bobby: Not it you want this to work out.

So I would have to release this article after Wrestlemania to preserve all hope that it comes true. I knew I was facing a dilemma. My reputation would be tarnished with fans. I couldn’t allow that but at the same time if the E changed it at the last minute I would still be suspect of fraud.

Matt: So I just can’t publish this article.

Bobby: Good move. Sometimes the best solution is to do nothing. Oh and that Randy Orton piece about his feud with Kane?

Matt: Yeah

Bobby: I wouldn’t even waste my time. That is just filler to give Orton something to do.

Matt: Are you sure?

Bobby: Dude. Who is the one with the A&E Show? That’s should answer your question.

Matt: So I have no article to print on either front then.

I so have to do something to fill our required piece or I have nothing for Wrestlemania. I could d0 the Undertaker vs HHH. NO. Everyone and their mother has covered that Rocky sequel. Punk and Jericho. Hell no it would just be Cena vs Rock redux. Wait what about Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan. No. Wait if I scratch out HHH favorite Sheamus and do a piece on Daniel Bryan and his descent into main event villiany that would cover something new.

Bobby: Daniel Bryan.

Matt: Wow you are good.

Bobby: Duh, psychic. That could work.

Matt: Good. Thanks for your time.

Once In A Lifetime…… Until Next Year!
Hi I’m Matt B. Wrestle and with us today is Bobby L. (Last name withheld to protect identity from Vince’s lawyers). Bobby has a special gift for psychic predictions and has been featured on that show on A&E program Psychic Kids. Why is he here? Well we want to use him to predict the Rock vs Cena match and its implications at Wrestlemania 28. So lets ask the first Question.

Matt: After seeing the return of the Doctor of Thuganomics last week what do we in store for Wrestlemania?

Bobby: I see a rough edge Cena who will be taking no garbage from anyone after Wrestlemania. I predict his feud with Kane has set Cena on his path.

Matt: So basically a return to the gray characters of the heralded Attitude Era?

Bobby: Yes and No. No because that era is dead and entertainmening albeit family oriented values are still the driving ambition.

Matt:?.. We just saw Cena curse last week and references to pie and Cena’s lady parts.

Bobby: All just little touches that add to the overall feud that will dissipate once the feud concludes. A little tease to buy the PPV

Matt: So you predict that he will return harder edge but still family friendly even after the cursing and threatening to put his nuts in Rock’s face.

Bobbi: Yes.

I pause complexed by this theory. Or should I say prediction, he is psychic after all. I go through my notes searching for more clues to a harder edged program featuring more cursing and meta wrestling. I think I found it.

Matt: Eve Torres making out with Cena who is publicly acknowledged as married. Shouldn’t this be an issue?

Bobby: No I believe all will be forgotten by April 2nd. Dwayne will go back to acting full time and everything will return to normal. Or as normal as one goes with the creative team.

Matt: More fart divas and Bella Twin pushes?

Bobby: I don’t have to be a psychic to tell you the Divas suck. edit* No offense to the divas*

Matt: But with the emergence of the male roster like Ziggler, R-truth and even Santino Marella wouldn’t this clue in to a return to anything can happen television branching out from the Cena turn to Thuganomics at Wrestlemania?

Bobby: Are you okay?

Calming myself. I believe in the knowledge that this could be the final year of our existence. 2012. The Mayan calendar. Why wouldn’t the E just go balls to the wall and give us the gray character development that we came to love during the 90’s. I finally decide to take a breath and ask about the possibilty that this is in fact a reverse Hogan.

Bobby: A reverse Hogan?

Matt: Yeah Rock took on Hogan at Wrestlemania in the SkyDome, when Hulk was still NWO and after beating him turned him face. So is it possible that the plan could include a Cena heel turn after a win over the Rock?

Bobby pauses for a minute. Deep in thought. I was so expecting him to put his hand on his temples, Charles Xavier style but he just thinks on it. He appears to convulse suddenly and for a minute there I think I broke him with the impossible question. When hs eyes roll into the back of his head I’m almost ready to call the paramedics. But suddenly his hands go up to stop me.

Bobby: What you hope for seems to be certain. Only if WWe creative doesn’t hear about this interview first.

The dread takes over as I envision my own psychic revelation as Vince having one of his underlings coming across my article and deciding to change everything at the last minute. Invalidating this prediction and thus dooming us to another stale albeit profitable Wrestlemania.

Matt: So we can’t tell anyone?

Bobby: Not it you want this to work out.

So I would have to release this article after Wrestlemania to preserve all hope that it comes true. I knew I was facing a dilemma. My reputation would be tarnished with fans. I couldn’t allow that but at the same time if the E changed it at the last minute I would still be suspect of fraud.

Matt: So I just can’t publish this article.

Bobby: Good move. Sometimes the best solution is to do nothing. Oh and that Randy Orton piece about his feud with Kane?

Matt: Yeah

Bobby: I wouldn’t even waste my time. That is just filler to give Orton something to do.

Matt: Are you sure?

Bobby: Dude. Who is the one with the A&E Show? That’s should answer your question.

Matt: So I have no article to print on either front then.

I so have to do something to fill our required piece or I have nothing for Wrestlemania. I could d0 the Undertaker vs HHH. NO. Everyone and their mother has covered that Rocky sequel. Punk and Jericho. Hell no it would just be Cena vs Rock redux. Wait what about Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan. No. Wait if I scratch out HHH favorite Sheamus and do a piece on Daniel Bryan and his descent into main event villiany that would cover something new.

Bobby: Daniel Bryan.

Matt: Wow you are good.

Bobby: Duh, psychic. That could work.

Matt: Good. Thanks for your time.

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WWE Once In A Lifetime: Rock vs. Cena ReviewWWE Once In A Lifetime: Rock vs. Cena ReviewWWE Once In A Lifetime: Rock vs. Cena Review

Why am I reviewing this infomercial? I don’t know. Why is Goliath (voice actor Keith David) from Disney’s animated show Gargoyles narrating it? You’ve got me. How did I travel into the future to watch this? I didn’t. It got leaked.

I’m seriously considering buying this one…

Spoilers ahead, sort of.
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Scruffy in “I is for Idaho”


WrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins AgainWrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins AgainWrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins Again

ThinkSoJoE over at the BWF begins his WrestleMania countdown as he reviews the prior 8 Granddaddy’s of them All! We kick off our series with WrestleMania XX. Hop on that, pop! Get your article here.

BWF Radio WrestleMania 28 EditionBWF Radio WrestleMania 28 EditionBWF Radio WrestleMania 28 Edition

How better a way to kick off our “Celebration of Professional Wrestling” than to bring you a jam-packed WrestleMania prediction show with special guests abound?

Oh, radio, tell me everything you know. Do you hear voices in the air? Hear them loud and clear? Are they telling you to listen? Then stop listening to Machine Gun Kelly, and start listening to BoredWrestlingFan Radio! This week, we revisit the old “roundtable” format, as re-joining ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G are Drowgoddess and WonderPod Online’s Jonkind, and making their first BWF appearances are World Wrestling Insanity’s Fritz Stephey and BotchedSpot.com’s James Hornsby. The seven of them discuss their predictions for WrestleMania 28, including who they think will be the sixth men for Team Teddy and Team Johnny, and what could possibly be the match rumored to be announced the next night for WrestleMania 29. Check out the podcast for yourself – right click and save as on the link below!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio: WrestleMania 28 Roundtable


Let's not jump to conclusions the autograph seeker was also the thief...

Did he sign it?