Posts Tagged ‘comic’

YuYu Hakusho- A comic book fans musings

As the above title mentions I am a die hard comic book fan. I’ve delved into the recesses of the superhero, horror,thriller, etc genre’s and have been bettered for it. But one genre I seemed to never be able to wade through has been the Manga demographic. Why you may ask? Its because the look […]

Swamp Thing and how 80’s comics redefined a genre.

Or how Alan Moore saved this kid from abandoning comics senior year. The year was 2002, 2nd semester, a young impressionable young man was finally calling it quits on Super-hero comics. WHY? you ask. Because after years of sitting around watching as the assorted heroes would rehash the same tired battles, have earth shattering moments […]

Pintnoir’s Free Comic Day Experience

Comics. For some of us it was our first reading experience, laying on the bed and cracking open the newest adventure of Spider-man, Batman or Spawn. I was one of those kids, I normally contribute writings to movie/television reviews and being apart of the dreaded Internet Wrestling Community, but my one true love is comics. […]

Smurfs (re-runs)

So back on the old Morphine Nation forums, I did what I thought would be a one off take on “new” episodes of the Smurfs.  I used crappy screen shots of the Smurf’s animated show and then added my own warped text. The original two made  Jim laugh which has always been a proud moment […]

One For The G Family

If you aren’t aware by now, the various G’s love zombies.  The entire G family hopes to one day be  a part of the zombie apocalypse. The of course want to be on the human team.  It is with that in mind that I share this gem of a comic. I did this back in 07 […]