Posts Tagged ‘wrestling show’

An Open Letter to Smarks

A smark is defined according to Wikipedia as “a phrase coined by Internet wrestling fans to describe a fan who enjoys pro wrestling despite or because they know that it is scripted, as well as generally knowing the “ins-and-outs” of the company and knowing many things about the industry or wrestlers collected by sources and are posted […]

WWE RAW Reflections: 14/03/2011

-RAW REFLECTIONS!  Snarky wrestling editorializing of televised wrestling the night before, so we can have a laugh later!  Telling you why your opinions on wrestling are WRONG, coupled with jokes!

Discount Bin Reviews: The Monday Night War DVD

They say that the winners of wars write the history books and professional wrestling is no different. The Monday night ratings war between WWE’s show Monday Night Raw and the WCW’s show Monday Nitro has long since been over with the purchase of WCW’s assets by Vince McMahon in 2001. But the legacy of the […]