Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Previews BladeSlinger, Coming Soon On iOS.

I think most first impressions after viewing screens of  BladeSlinger on iOS would be that it is “Infinity Blade with a western theme”, and to be honest that is not too far from the truth. However, after getting the chance to play the final build of the game hands on last week I can say that it […]

PatMan Plays: ARC Squadron

The first time I saw footage of ARC Squadron I immediately thought of the fun of a Star Fox game. And I am guessing if you saw the trailers you though the same thing as well. Of course this is not a bad thing at all as both Star Fox and Star Fox 64 were two of the best arcade […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Mindless Dungeon Crawl

When it comes to classic old school dungeon crawlers ,PC gamers have been spoiled as of late with games like Diabo III.  And to be honest, I gave the demo code  a good run for its money when the game came out. Turns out it just didn’t stick for me like the original one did all those years ago. Maybe I have […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Super Bit Bash

Another lazy Sunday. While your sitting on the sofa watching sports today why not download another free iOS title? You need something to do during those annoyingly repetitive commercials and I have just the thing for you. Today, Super Bit Bash goes free , well “For a limited time”.  As always that means it can go back up in price at any time and […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone games. Square Planet

What is this? Not one but two FREE iOS games today that are worth a download? While you are busy streaking for free today make sure to take some time and download Square Planet, you wont regret it. Its a very nice looking 3D polygonal platform game that plays in the style of a 2D one. Its bright, colorful, controls […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone games. Streaker Run

Another week, another endless runner or Temple Run clone. Seems like these clone games keep on coming out ,pardon the pun, endlessly. Many of these games are pretty crappy to be honest but Streaker Run actually manages to be both fun and humorous at the same time. Sure it is the same song and dance as all the other endless […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Blood Roofs.

Ok, so it is Monday and your all back to work. I know, its kind of a drag. Tell me about it. You probably want something to take you away from the “Monday blues”. So, how about another FREE iOS title? That should help. This time its an “endless runner” type game by the name […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Turret Commander

Another day another FREE iOS title for all of you to give a try. The game is called Turret Commander and it is pretty good, albeit repetitive. Turret Commander is a very nice looking WWII shooter where you basically take aim at everything that moves in the sky from your turret. Pretty simple game play yet fun […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. LegendHero

It is the start of the weekend so that can only imply one thing, more time for video games!  If you looking for something new to try out on your iPhone but don’t want to spend a dime on it, check out the Japanese title  LegendHero. It is free for a limited time. My first […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone games. Ultra Dario.

Why do I keep having the words “cease and desist” going through my mind? Oh that’s right , I was checking out the free picks for the day today and came across Ultra Dario, a 2D platform game “inspired” by Super Mario Bros. How  “inspired” you ask? Well, how about blatant rip-off? The game just came out a few days ago and […]