PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. LegendHero

It is the start of the weekend so that can only imply one thing, more time for video games!  If you looking for something new to try out on your iPhone but don’t want to spend a dime on it, check out the Japanese title  LegendHero. It is free for a limited time. My first impressions of the screenshots I saw were that of Viewtifu Joe. Of course, by no surprise, the Indy developer didn’t deliver as good of a game as that cell shaded platform /action classic but LegendHero is fun enough none the less.  There is very little platforming aside from jumping out of the way of stuff and variety of enemies, thus far,  is pretty limited but its decent fun for free.The controls are decent and the levels can be played in short bursts, which is ideal for the platform it is on. Much of the text is in Japanese so unless you can understand that language you may have a bit of trouble in the options, shop and menu screens. But really it is a pretty straight forward game and you should have no problems playing it. Check it out this weekend while it is still free and I will see you all next time! Screens, as always, are below!

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