Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Terra Nova

There are many FPS that can be considered retro classics on PC. And then there are some that for whatever reason just didn’t get the same amount of “gamer love” as the big names did. One such game is the classic PC title Terra Nova. Part Mech Warrior and part first person shooter, Terra Nova […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Owen Hart vs Makhan Singh

Its time once again for another look into Stampedes classic past and what better a match to view than one of my favorite rivalries in the entire promotions history. A young Owen Hart vs the ” classless scum” known as Makhan Singh. Some of you will recognize Owens opponent as “Norman The Lunitic” from WCW […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC Games. Star Wars Dark Forces

Star Wars and Video games are two of my favorite forms of entertainment. Alone they can keep me very amused. Combined they can potentially blow me away with addictive multi media fun. So back in the day, when I heard of a PC game that was “like that great DOOM game but set in the […]

Stampede Wrestling Classics: A triad of video’s for you!

Last week, the mighty PatMan brought our site a second edition of his Stampede Wrestling picks. They were awesome. Then this week? I think he must be on strike. Bastard. So I’ll fill in and throw down an episode in lieu of his absence. I’m a man-child of Calgary too, after all. This was our […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Terminal Velocity

Welcome once again to another PatMan Picks PC classics. This time around I will be showcasing a game by the name of Terminal Velocity. The game was a very fun, action/arcade, space ship, flight game with pretty impressive visuals for its time. It also had a pretty cool soundtrack as I remember.  This was no […]

Stampede Wrestling Classics. Dynamite Kid& Duke Myers vs Billy Jack Haynes & Bruce Hart

Back by semi popular demand, I welcome you all to another episode of Stampede Wrestling classics. Join me this time around for more classic Ed Whalen commentary, tag team action featuring talented teams who just don’t seem to like each other and one hilariously blind referee. In other words, business as usual in the Stampede […]

PatMan Picks PC Classics. Crusader:No Remorse.

I was introduced to this PC classic by a friend who just “had to show me this cool new game called Crusader”. Boy, I am glad that he did. After watching him paly that day and trying it out myself I knew I had to go out and buy it. Although a shooter at heart, Crusader: […]

PatMan Picks His Favorite 3DS E3 Trailers, So Far

Nintendo had a very good press conference this year at E3. While I was very interested in the Wii U technology, thats all that it really is at this stage and I am not about to get as excited about the Wii U as I did with the original Wii. I don’t think I could […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Descent.

Im trying out another feature for the website, inspired by our very own Gunsages “top games of  the year” posts and also inspired from our discussion topic of retro PC gaming on Wonderpod. I will be picking PC games that I once enjoyed years ago and posting a video to help those that have never […]

PatMan Picks- Stampede Wrestling Classics.Part 2

Welcome to the second Stampede Wrestling inspired edition of PatMan Picks. This time around Im going with a match that is both unique and special in the history of pro wrestling for 2 reasons. Why do I call it unique, you may ask? Well, for starters its a WWF title match taking place in Calgary, […]