Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Plays Halo 2 Anniversary

Check out 5 mins of both cinematic and game-play footage as I play the first little bit of Halo 2 Anniversary. The new cinematic cut-scenes are great and the game, although obviously showing its decade old age, is fun as ever. I have not bothered to take it online yet for multiplayer, but you can […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct 2 Arcade.

KI season 2 is upon us and although many of the best fighters in the franchise were released in season 1, there is still good reason to check it out. Not only is there the return of TJ Combo and Maya , but if you chose the “ultra edition”, you will get the classic KI2 […]

PatMan Plays Volgarr The Viking.

Do you remember the days of playing classic 16 bit side scrolling hack and slash games? Do you remember just how bloody hard they were? Well prepare to re-experience the fun and the frustration that only a game like that can deliver, only this time on Xbox One. Volgarr The Viking is a fun yet […]

PatMan Plays Evolve. The Big Alpha

There was a time several years ago when the WPO crew played online together on a near nightly basis. Games like Battlefield, L4D, Halo ,COD and others. We would have parties of up to 6 people, all enjoying the fun that online multiplayer offers when played with a group of friends. This weekend, I have […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct Season 2.

Season 2 of Killer Instinct is starting out with 2 familiar names, TJ Combo and Maya. I have to admit that season one was absolutely great. Maybe a little “too great” for season 2 to “wow” me this time around. Many of the big name characters have already been released in season 1 and also […]

PatMan Picks Free iOS Games. Spider-Man Unlimited

No ,you haven’t returned to 2012 in some sort of time warp ,multi dimensional crazy loop. I am finally back with another iOS pic. While I spend the vast majority of my current time with my Xbox One and WiiU, I do occasionally check out the iOS market . And I stumbled upon ultimate Spider-man […]

PatMan Plays Destiny. Randoms Are Random

What is going on people? This weekend, I have been playing some Destiny with random players. Normally I stay as far away from randoms as I can on XBL, they usually are annoying knobs or trolls. But, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that for the most part things went decently with random gamers. […]

Patman Plays Destiny. He Can Dance If He Wants To.

This is me. I dance. I dance the safety dance. That is all.

PatMan Plays Destiny. Back As A Lone Wolf.

What is going on, people? Hope you enjoyed the weekend even half as much as I did. I played a lot of Destiny when I was not outside enjoying the sun. This time however,I played the game alone as my fire teammate has a very strong dose of “reality” to be dealing with at the […]

PatMan Plays Destiny. The Moon Just Got Real.

What is going on, people? This week I have had a little more game time to really digest the game known as Destiny. Truth is, even with its lackluster story, they game is getting better and better as I level up and progress in the missions. I paired up yet again with a friend and […]