Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Plays Infinity Blade 2. Under $1, For The Rest Of June.

The original Infinity Blade was , for its time , the most impressive iPhone game ever made. With visuals on par with consoles yet game play specifically crafted for short bursts of handheld gaming, it was and still is a great iOS title. Then came it’s sequel, Infinity Blade 2, with even more impressive graphics […]

PatMan Picks Some Of His Favorite Games At E3.

Another E3 has come and gone , and this one was particularly interesting as new consoles were announced. The PS4 looks very strong with a great emphasis on gamers and games.  Microsoft and the Xbox One console is equally impressive, and has the extra features that only Kinect 2.0  can deliver.  However MS dug themselves […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Tabletop Racing

What is going on people?  It is another glorious weekend and, as usual, with it comes  another free  iOS game. So why not play a fun and free game where ever your weekend takes you?  If you are fast enough,you’ll be able to pick up the fun little iPhone racer ” Tabletop Racing”  for absolutely […]

Patman Picks Most Anticipated E3 Games This Year. The “Triple R” Developers.

E3 is right around the corner and to say that gamers are excited , hell to say that I’m excited , is an understatement. This is an absolutely huge E3 as we will be seeing Next GEN games for the first time on PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. We will also be seeing at […]

Gamers. They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To.(Super Metroid Miiverse Reaction)

So as I type this,  Super Metroid is available for the amazingly low price of only $.30 on the Wii U. Not only can you play one of the best Super Nintendo games of all time for basically nothing ,you can also play on the touch pad if the television is being used by someone else. Have […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Gangstar Rio: City Of Saints

Are you eagerly anticipating the next big Grand Theft Auto game to come your way to home consoles? Have you finished every Saints Row game there is, but you still want more? While the wait for another console version of Grand Theft Auto might still be a little whiles away ,on your iPhone there is […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Truckers Delight.

Have you ever found yourself driving down the highway, wondering to your self what it would be like to race around recklessly in a big rig? Or, how about getting passed by some dip-shit in an expensive red sports car who thinks they own the road?  Have you been given ” the finger” by someone?  I bet you wished you had an […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Outland Games.

If you were ever a fan of  the downloadable game Monday Night Combat then you should probably check out the iOS title Outland Games. It is set in that same universe and even has a few recognizable characters in it from the XBL Arcade game . Outland Games is a fun little runner with a sense of humor . […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Hope. The Other Side Of Adventure.

I am betting that as gamers we all have spent countless hours adventuring, platforming ,grinding and fighting our way towards one single goal.  That goal, of course, is saving a princess from captivity. Games like Dragon’s Lair, Zelda and of course Super Mario come to mind right away but there have been countless others with the same […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Fruit Ninja

Here is a great free iOS game for you to download this weekend. You may have heard of it, Fruit Ninja?  Of course you have heard of it, it is only one of the most popular iOS games of all time. If, for some reason, you have never picked up this classic and addicting game […]