How Mass Effect 3 Should’ve Ended- as told by Jonkind and Glasenator

Jonkind’s ending:

Just as the earth is destroyed by the reapers, Shepard wakes up suddenly from his sleep. “It was a dream!”

He leaves his quarters on the Normandy and heads out into the ship – everything is as it was, Garrus gives him a nod in his direction, Joker is making a wise crack to another crew member.



Shepard goes down to the Hanger and finds the Mako, good as new, shiny with a new coat of wax.

Ashley Williams comes around the corner, Shepard approaches, holds her head in his hands and says, “Ashley! Llet me look at you.”

Ashley: “Shepard you look like I died or something.”

Shepard: “I thought you did… but now, it’s great, everything is GREAT”

And then with a loud bang a DeLorean bursts into the room, comes to an icey stop and Doctor Emmett Brown steps out and says, “SHEPARD! You’ve gotta come back with me!

Sheppard: “Where?”

Doc Brown: “Back to the Future! Quick get in the car!

Shepard: “No Doc, I just got here, Ashley’s ok we’re gonna take the Mako for a spin.”

Doc Brown: “Well bring her along this could concern her too.”

Shepard: “Wait a minute, what happens to us in the future, do we become assholes or somethin’?”

Doc Brown: “It’s your sequels Sheppard, your sequels! Something’s got to be done about Mass Effect 3!”

So Sheppard, Ashley and Doc climb into the DeLorean and Doc prepares to depart.

Shepard: “Doc you better back up or you’re not gonna have enough of an ending to get up to 88”

Doc Brown: “Endings? Where we’re going we don’t need endings.”


Glasenator’s ending:

“This is it guys…the final step,” Commander Sheppard said as he turned around to face his remaining crew.  Behind Sheppard is a large, clean, white, metal door, easily visible among the vast rubble surrounding them.  “As soon as we walk through this door, we’ll be done.  This will all be over,” Sheppard says with a hint of anxiousness in his voice as he eyes over the crew that had gotten him through so much.  “I’ll take point.”  Sheppard turns around to face the bright door, he pushes against it slowly and cautiously, making sure that whatever evil is on the other side won’t get the jump on him.  The door slowly begins to creak open and bright light appears around the edge of the door.  Sheppard readies his gun as he steps into the blinding light, leaving the ominous yet appealing door behind him.  The light inside is so bright that in a moment of blindness he shields his eyes with his arm letting go of the door behind him.  The door swings shut at a deafening speed and slams into its frame.   Sheppard whirls around trying to pry open the door, but it’s to no avail, the door is locked shut…there is no possible way back to his team on the other side.

“Ah, I’ve been expecting you Commander,” a voice from behind him says.  Sheppard turns to face to the voice, letting his eyes adjust to the blinding light before him.

“Who…who are you?”  Sheppard yells as he squints and readies his gun again.

“Oh, you can put that gun down Commander, I’m not here to hurt you.   Come have a seat.”  After a few moments Sheppard’s eyes finally adjust and he can fully see the room before him.  The room is sterile, almost hospital like in its cleanliness, the floor and the walls are white tile with a cluster of flickering fluorescent lights overhead.  In the middle of the room is a large oak desk with a pair of large cushy chairs facing each other on either side.  Seated in the far chair is an androgynous figure, it’s body leaning back in its chair and its feet propped up on the oak desk. “Come closer Commander,” it said, “We need to have a little talk.”  Sheppard cautiously approaches the figure his gun still drawn.

“Who are you?”  Sheppard cried out again.

“Who I am is not important, who I represent is.  Here have a seat.”  Sheppard reaches the chair and clumsily falls into it.  Now that he was closer Sheppard could see the whole of the androgynous figure, every few moments it would change it’s shape into an entirely new person only to cycle through into another figure once again.  It was like watching someone flip through a deck of cards, only instead of catching glimpses of a Jack or a 7 of hearts you were catching glimpses of people.  “We need to talk Commander,” the figure repeated.

“About what?”

“About The End.  The End of all this,” the figure said as it spread it’s arms.  “And The End of you.  Welcome Commander, this is it.”

“What!?” Sheppard yelled.  “But what about the reapers and the-“

“Shhhh,” the figure whispered, “I am hoping that you will understand in time, but my explanation will be futile if you do not listen.”

“This is a bunch of bullshit.  I’m here to save the universe.  Where is the Normandy?  Where is my team?”

“Oh you want to see your team, well they’re right here.”

The figure took its feet off of the oak desk and reached under the table flicking a switch.  To the right of Sheppard a mechanical sound started up and the right wall began to rise revealing a wall of bulletproof glass.  On the other side of the glass each of his crewmates were tied to the wall in chains.  They were obviously in pain.

“NO!” Sheppard cried.  “Stop, stop this, you’re killing them!”

“Oh that isn’t even the half of it,” the figure calmly said, “watch this.”

Sheppard could not turn his gaze away from his dying crew as the figure reached under the desk again and flicked another switch.  He watched in horror as each of his crewmates individually burst into a column of flames, their skin melting away behind the glass.

“You-you-murderer!”  Sheppard cried as he ran towards the glass.

“I wouldn’t get too close if I were you,” the figure calmly said.

Just as Sheppard approached the glass, warm from the collective burning on the other side, an explosion rocked the room and his crewmembers spontaneously combusted into a heap of guts and blood.  The warm glass was now caked in the charred remains of what was once Commander Sheppard’s crew.

“Oh…oh god, all those hours, all those choices…for nothing for absolutely nothing, why?  Why?!” Sheppard wept as he slumped against the wall in defeat.

The figure at the desk began to slowly pace over to the shell of a commander.

“My choices…my decisions they were supposed to matter!  I was supposed to write my own story, my own destiny.  And this is what I get…it’s just not fair!”  Sheppard sobbed.

“You see Commander, that is where you are wrong.  You didn’t write your own destiny.  I did.  MY writers did, MY artists did, MY programmers did.  You just played along like you were supposed to.”

“Play along?  Hah.  You act as if this is some sort of game.”

Yes, precisely Commander.  You are exactly right, this is naught but a game, and you are naught but my puppet.”

“No!  What?  That’s ridiculous.  You can’t just come along and throw a wrench in the machine just because you can, everything has to make to sense, it all has to fit together like pieces in a puzzle.”

“Again you are wrong Commander.  Not everything has to make sense.  And in the end whether your decisions effect the final outcome or not does not matter; because at the end of the day it is I who create, and you who play.  You can either accept that fact or whine like a child, and currently Commander, you are whining quite a bit.”

“Screw you, my decisions matter.  If you were the one that made all this, you lied to me, you lied to everyone.”

“Not true Commander, I never promised that your choices would matter in the long run or not, you just took that statement as fact.”

“You cheater!  You whore, I didn’t PAY for –“ Sheppard suddenly gasped midsentence.

The figure threw back its head and laughed, a bellowing laugh that shook both time and space.  “Yes Commander, please finish your sentence.”

“I-I-I paid for this.”  No, no it can’t be, I funded this…this…game all along.  I funded my own demise?  Impossible.”

“Search your feelings Sheppard, you know it to be true.”

Sheppard turned his head to face the imposing figure before him, his neck cracking as he looked up into the figure’s ever-changing face.

The figure looked down, smiled, and just like that Commander Sheppard ceased to exist.


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One Response to “How Mass Effect 3 Should’ve Ended- as told by Jonkind and Glasenator

  1. PatMan says:

    These endings suck, I want it to end to my total self entitled satisfaction !!!