Wonderpod Episode 150

This week Wonderpod has reach a 150 episodes. A milestone to be sure and with it comes some changes. We do mark the occasion with a little celebration. Then move into what we have in store for the listeners in the future. Some things will change, but for the most part it will be the Wonderpod you know and love

drive by

We celebrate making it to 150 a little through the first part of the show

Announce changes to the show and then discuss topics



table top games



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3 Responses to “Wonderpod Episode 150”

  1. Pay Man says:

    150 episodes, plus a few others here and there. Good job everyone I’m glad to be a part of much of it.

    I like the idea of covering other geeky nerdy topics. Especially if the crew hasn’t played anything new in a few weeks or the news is boring or overly political, jumping into a discussion on the latest sci-fi news ,wrestling ,comics ,gadgets sounds like a good idea Instead of just treading water for the sake of talking about videogames.

    Personally ,I’m hoping that videogames still remained the main focus of the show and that at least half the show will be covering videogames, but that’s just me ,maybe some other people will chime in on what they would like to hear ??

  2. @Origim says:

    The focus will still be video games that much is for sure. That said its going to be week to week on whether its all non-video game stuff or a mix of both. Next week I suspect it will be all non-video game stuff unless something happens. That's kind of the key, what is going on in the industry on any given week. Still I highly doubt there will be three or four shows in a stretch where we don't talk games. Its going to be a trial and error type deal as always.

  3. Pat Man says:

    The comic book discussion you guys had was interesting because it was pretty much parallel to my comic past. Very late elementary school until probably the start of university I had my own folder out a comic book store along with my brother. Nowadays I don’t know what the Hells going on with any of my former favorite characters or companies for that matter. I remember really enjoying comics during the ” Crysis on infinite earths ” and “secret wars ” eras . But secret wars 2 mini series was absolute rubbish. A story centering around the beyonder trying to find himself while wearing Michael Jackson style clothes was absolute garbage.
    Although Spiderman is probably my favorite character of all time ,overall I prefer DC comics over marvel if I have to choose.