Insomnia Killer

This is one of those messy mornings. Tired and a bit cranky from work already this week. Quickly let me congratulate the university of Auburn on winning the national championship last night in Arizona. You Oregon ducks shouldn’t hang your heads much. You played an excellent game too. I never thought I would cover this much sports in my morning ramblings. Which brings up an interesting point, now that I think about it

There has been some debate about gaming blogs covering none gaming topic for the sole purpose of bringing in traffic. I am not sure where I really sit on the issue as a whole. Long time fans of the podcast will know I did take a shot at Kotaku for this a few months back. It is also the reason I was so adamant about Wonderpod-Online not becoming another gaming blog. You can’t swing a dead cat around the internet without hitting one. I would rather at some point in the future our audience shows up on a daily basis to see what crazy shit were talking about now.

A week or so ago I finally sat down and watched I am legend with William Smith the 47th. I really wasn’t all that impressed. I have no clue how the movie did during it’s release run, but I don’t feel bad about waiting so long to watch it. Pretty standard story and one that has been done a number of times before. There were some decent emotional moments to the film. Overall it was pretty meh and only worth a watch on DVD. While were on the subject of movies I also recently viewed the second Boondock Saints movie. It was not as good as the first, but they had few options with where to take the story. The last five minutes or so of the movie was unnecessary and just stupid.

Back to the world of gaming for the final chunk of what is turning out to be a very boring morning post. I have said this a lot on the podcast, but I would like it down in text buried in our database Gamers need to learn that a 7, 7.5, 8, and 8.5 are not bad review scores. I understand you love a game so much, that anything under a 9 or 10 is hard to take. That doesn’t mean you need to troll the Internet when someone gives it lower than that. Oh and game reviewers, The scale is 1 to 10 not 7 to 10, in case you had forgotten that bit of information. Some of these idiots want to be considered journalists and yet are to scared to grow a set of balls and give honest reviews. See the dilemma there?

Always pet a burning dog with the grain.

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One Response to “Insomnia Killer”

  1. G says:

    On the topic of I Am Legend… well, yeah it totally has been done before. This Hollywood rendition was a fun ride… Some critics say the original Vincent Price version of the short story "I Am Legend", which was called "Last Man on Earth," was better. Me? I like the original ending to the short story most of all. Often, as they say, the book is better than the movie. What they cut here, was the realization of the fact Neville was actually the bad guy. He wasn't trying to preserve his own dead species… nope, he was the boogeyman murdering and attacking the vampires/zombies/whatever.