“CM Punk Is Not Impressed”

What’s going on Wonderpod Online Dot Com readers? Well, that Punk, CM, is at it again. He’s entering into another one of those memes just like the one I brought to you a while back with his “Punking” antics, with the article entitled: “Punking” is naturally better than “Planking” And this one… well, this is one of photo-bombing and the like. You might just get a kick out of it, and if you do not… well… CM Punk is not impressed. And it all started here:

Let’s get to it, folks!

There’s a tonne of these photoshop contests and projects on the internet. But if you’re a smark jerk like me, you probably gravitate towards the 10% club of the IWC and the likes of one CM Punk. And when you get the combination of a great picture and modern technology… well, you get the possibility of a fantastic idea of combining Punk’s momentum with this type of content. I present to you, “CM Punk Is Not Impressed.”


He’s so unimpressed, he tattooed his shoulder in disdain…

Not impressed continues…

Sorry Irene…

Not even impressed by his own meme….

What can I say? A facial expression says a thousand words, right? Join up the club on facebook here:CM Punk Is Not Impressed. Another great idea, but not one I came up with. There’s a bunch more at their site, go check it out.


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One Response to ““CM Punk Is Not Impressed””

  1. Kittridge says:

    Hey – thanks for doing this! I set up the Punk page on Facebook (did it first on Tumblr).
