The title will be the only sarcastic line. I’ll keep voting, and look at this is a relative position for a while. And that might be for the best as I roll through the most demanding time of the year for my work. So let’s get positive, and check out the results!
Posts Tagged ‘wwe’
Power Poll for the Week Ending: ???
Well, I’m back. I haven’t given up on the Power Poll, but I am as confused as ever. Rather than rant and rave, as I did that last week, I’ll put it this way: Since it is completely unclear which episodes the voters are voting on, we can assume it includes any, and all of […]
Wii 2 “conference slides” leaked,or totally faked? You decide!
A few suspiciously convenient screens have popped up on the internet in the last little while, supposedly showing a few shots of what looks like a secret Nintendo conference with developers about Project Cafe. They have surfaced in forums and sites such as IGN and neowin . While I would love to think that they […]
Power Poll for the Week Ending: 4/21/11… apparently…
Sigh, another week of results coming late. And an episode of Smackdown and iMPACT have already aired since the vote cutoff. That makes things confusing, because things happen on those shows that should be relevant to our ranking. But they’re not. Nonetheless, the stats remain semi-relevant.
PatMan Picks : Weekend 3DS QR Codes !
Another relaxing Saturday is upon us and I hope that some of you will be playing a lot of video games today. There is a lot to do, the GOW3 beta is upon many of us and the 3DS is still fresh in some players hands. Several days ago I posted the QR codes for […]
Will Nintendo announce next console at E3?
The internet is abuzz with stories about Nintendo announcing a new console, call it the Wii 2 if you want, just a few months away at this years E3. Big name Video game blogs and websites are posting about this and Game Informer has all but called it a fact, stating some ” very good […]
Power Poll (WrestleMania Edition)
Fresh out of the IWC voting ballot box, comes the Power Poll for the fallout from WrestleMania 27. We take into account the build prior the showcase of the immortals, but more importantly, rank the wrestlers based on their performance and storyline outcomes from WrestleMania itself. And while we’ve seen some development on RAW last […]
Break The Walls Down
Your introduction should give the read an idea of what your subject is about. Unless your name is Bruce McGee, then your introduction should be a bunch of random shit. This exception to the rule was created as no one has a clue what the fuck he is talking about anyway. In fact a group […]
A Celebration of Professional Wrestling: Thank you!
As we sit on the doorstep of the showcase of the Immortals, WrestleMania 27, I’d like to thank everyone involved in this project, especially you noble websurfer. We’re one hour away from the event itself, and we shall consider this the closing ceremonies, if you will.