Posts Tagged ‘360’

PatMan Plays. Titanfall Beta.

When I got my hands on a code for the Titanfall Beta this morning I was eager to give this hyped up shooter a shot . Of course, family weekend activities took precedence over a video game beta and I had to wait until tonight to dive in. Or should I say “fall” in?  Silly […]

Wonderpod Episode 194

Wonderpod is a quartet this week. This episode is a little wonky. We used every piece of tech, from phones to web cameras and good old fashioned computers to get it done. We hope to back to the normal recording rituals next week. Big thanks to Jon for handling the recording.

Wonderpod Episode 193

We are back and sporting a brand new episode of Wonderpod. Well okay most of us were here last week. My silly ass has joined the crew again. Mostly gaming this week, thinking we might switch it up next week. Enjoy the show!

Wonderpod Episode 192

This week on Wonderpod. It is a three-man show, with Jon, Glasenator and Gunsage manning the helm. I was under a table at a bar some where, trying to relive my college days. There is no doubt it was a great show and one you should all listen to it. By the way if your […]

PatMan Plays KI. First Day With Spinal !

  As of yesterday,  Killer Instinct has a new fighter for us to enjoy!  Spinal turned out great and was worth the wait. They really did a good job with the new look of this classic KI character and I love how he is laughing insanely as he fights. I recorded the first few fights […]

Wonderpod Episode 191

This week the crew at Wonderpod hammered out another episode. Basically a two topic show this week. In fact we might have been able to swing an entire show out of either of the topics. One of which we may have to dedicate an entire episode to some day. Give it a listen and have […]

Wonderpod Episode 190

Time for another episode of Wonderpod. This weeks show is off and on the rails several times. Then again we are not sure the show even has rails or track. Enjoyable show to record and hopefully that translates to a fun listen. See you next week folks.

Wonderpod Episode 189

It is time for the first Wonderpod of 2014. First show of the year and we are all over the place. If you like our more schizophrenic episodes, the this weeks show is for you. We never plan them this way and trust me if we could we would. Give it a listen and tell […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Orchid Alternate Costumes.

  Happy New year people! Another weekend rolls in and PatMan has some time on the Xbox One to record a video. This time I am back playing KI, and also back playing with my favorite character, Orchid. She has a few new costumes that have become available a few days ago, including one that […]

PatMan Plays Peggle 2. Sensory Overload.

What is going ON people?  It must be the weekend because PatMan is back with more Xbox One gameplay videos. This time, I play the recently released sequel to the ultra popular game of the same name, Peggle 2. This fun, bright, colorful game can lead to sensory overload if you are not careful.  Also, […]