The Periodic Table of Cryptozoology, 2011 Edition

Hey dudes. I’ve been quite busy with exams and tests the past few weeks, a situation I haven’t found myself in since 2009. However, through all the educational calamity, I did manage to revise one of my more favourite charts, the Periodic Table of Cryptozoology! I’ve added more cryptids, moved things around a bit, so it’s bigger than it was before! YAY!

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Battlefield Play4Free Rocks?

I am not really sure what to make of this video. On one hand it’s a kind of crappy rock video. On the other it doesn’t really show off Battlefield Play4Free very well. I admit it got my attention while trolling gametrailers this morning.  So you fine people here in our audience can decide what exactly is this video.  I suppose it’s all mildly amusing if nothing else.

Bid On A BR! Bungie Having Auction For Childs Play Charity, Right Now!

The good folks at Bungie are almost ready to give the Halo franchise up to Microsoft. But before they do they have put up some cool stuff on eBay for you to bid on. The proceeds go to Childs Play Charity so if your interested, bid away and help some kids out while collecting your dream Halo original art, or maybe that BR ! We here at Wonderpodonline have mentioned Child’s Play Charity on multiple occasions on our wonderpod video-game podcast, so I thought we would share this news with all our friends right here.  In case your wondering,the Bid is currently at 4, 050.00 for the Master Chief helmet original concept art so go make your dreams come true while helping the dreams of a few kids as well, will ya!



A Win For Gaming (Court News)

Ah lawsuits, they are almost always boring and make our readers/audience mad. Yet one came along today that is a very good thing for gamers and the industry. My intention with this post is to explain to you what happened and why it’s a good thing. I hope to do so in a manner that won’t bore you into a coma with legalese. First we need to understand what happened and how it ended I suppose.

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YuYu Hakusho- A comic book fans musings

As the above title mentions I am a die hard comic book fan. I’ve delved into the recesses of the superhero, horror,thriller, etc genre’s and have been bettered for it. But one genre I seemed to never be able to wade through has been the Manga demographic.

Why you may ask?

Its because the look and presentation of the books in question just didn’t interest me. The big eyes with their many exclamation points and facial puzzles left me feeling like I’m reading a book meant for children. Even when the die hard fan took me to task about how these Japanese imports where far superior to the American equivalent, I would scoff and tell them that Disney-fying a character and have them make off the wall expressions does not an interesting story make.

That is until Dragon Ball. But that is for a later time.

Here we find a book that I have heard about but not read until recently.

the title means "Ghost Files" or "Poltergeist Report"

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Saints Row: The Third Video

I am really looking forward to the new Saints Row. Which may comes as some surprise when you consider I never played the first two.  After reading an article on it in Game informer, it got my interest and videos like this only make me more excited. Yes it will probably be missing the fart in the jar grenade which sucks.  If this video from gametrailers is any indication there are still going to be plenty of hilarious weapons to play with. In fact I may head to ye old game shop and see if I can hunt up a copy of the second game just for the hell of it.

Scruffy Trek

McGee’s Landing (MMO Myths)

The MMORPG genre has become a significant part of modern gaming. The popularity of World of Warcraft has a lot to do with that. There are however, a lot of myths surrounding the genre and I felt it was time to sit down and tackle some of them. As with anything there will be people who will never want to play this type of game. For those of you on the fence, maybe I can clear up some common misconceptions.

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UFC Live on Versus-4

UFC has not given us the names on this card. But I think they have given us a card filled with really evenly-matched fights. This will not be a night of “squash matches” to borrow a term from the pro wrestling world.

Welterweight bout: Nate Marquardt (31-10-2) vs. Rick Story (13-3)

I learned my lesson with my first UFC preview. Never go against Marquardt. But he’s 3 of his last 5. Story hasn’t lost since ’08. He’s coming off a win over Thiago Alves (<————-huge). Everything within me says not to go against Nate, but Story is on a tear. And I think he tears through Nate.

Winner: Story

Under different circumstances, Charlie Brenneman has replaced Nate Marquardt. I still say Story has the momentum.

Heavyweight bout: Cheick Kongo (15-6-2) vs. Pat Barry (6-2)

Cheick Kongo is a big boy. So is Barry. This should be akin to Clash of the Titans. The only thing to be decided is WHO will release the Kracken. Both seem to be riding the same momentum wave. There’s one thing that makes me choose Kongo. Barry has never won a submission victory. Kongo has 3 (20% of his victories). That makes Kongo the choice for me.

Winner: Kongo

Welterweight bout: Matt Brown (11-10) vs. John Howard (14-6)

This is going to be an interesting fight here. Brown is coming off a 3-fight losing streak, while Howard is looking at two. Both look equally hungry, and both need this win really bad. Howard gets the momentum edge. Brown has never won a decision. Both of these fighters are really evenly-matched. I like Brown, but in what could most likely be described as a “Loser Leaves Town” match, I think Howard will most likely take a victory.

Winner: Howard

Heavyweight bout: Matt Mitrione (4-0) vs. Christian Morecraft (7-1)

I still haven’t figured out what Matt Mitrione does or why he’s good. I also have no idea what to expect from him. Ever. Mitrione’s ground game is still unproven, as he has never submitted somebody professionally. Morecraft is pretty much down the line with 3 TKO’s and 4 submissions. I’m going with Morecraft for the win.

Winner: Morecraft

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PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Owen Hart vs Makhan Singh

Its time once again for another look into Stampedes classic past and what better a match to view than one of my favorite rivalries in the entire promotions history. A young Owen Hart vs the ” classless scum” known as Makhan Singh. Some of you will recognize Owens opponent as “Norman The Lunitic” from WCW or the even more ridiculous and career crippling character of “Bastian Booger” in the WWF. Its unfortunate that these are the two most recognized characters for Mike Shaw, because  it was his mic skills and humorous heel personality that made him so great to watch back in Stampede Wrestling. Unlike many Stampede wrestling alumni, moving to the big wrestling promotions actually hurt Makhan Singhs career instead of skyrocketing it, mostly due to his terrible characters that they made  him portray. Worth noting in this video is that its a “no disqualification” title match for the  Stampede North American Heavyweight title. Also worth noting is the “arm cast” that is used as a weapon by Makhan Singh and the bandages on Owen, also used as a weapon. And, of course no video would be complete without classic Ed Whalen commentary such as ” This is idiotic”!  and ” Whammo”! It is very sad that both these former Stampede Wrestlers are now deceased, but lets watch the match and enjoy the entertainment both men gave us back in the day.

[youtube KVfUMCs-bfs]