PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Bret Hart VS Bad News Allen(Brown)

One of my favorite battle royals in Pro Wrestling history must be the classic at WM4. And as mentioned in our Stampede Wrestling podcast, as kids growing up in Calgary that match was extra special for the likes of G and myself. There were several Stampede Wrestling alumni in that big match including Junk Yard Dog, Danny Davis and Jim“The Anvil” Neidhart.  The final two competitors in this famous WWF battle royal ended up being Bret Hart & Bad News Brown. The chemistry they displayed in the ring as they teamed up to eliminate their other opponents was no fluke, however. They had, of course, worked together many times before in the past back in the days of Stamped Wrestling. I can recall many great matches between the two back in the day, including ladder matches and no disqualification matches which aired on TV and entertained fans in countries all over the world well before  both men ended up in the WWF. I bring you today one such classic match between Bret Hart and Bad News Allen in Stampedes famous past. Its for the North American heavyweight title, held by a young Bret Hart facing his challenger, one mean looking Bad News Allen. Worth noting is, as always, the heels in Stampede wrestling getting away with all sorts of mischief, which also as always, is driving the crowd absolutely nuts. Also worth noting are the post interviews by both Bret with his brother Bruce and the hilarious ending of Bad News Allen’s post interview with his entourage of heels as they insult Ed’s tie? Its both interesting and entertaining to watch these future wrestling superstars in their younger years. Bret truly is in the learning stages of how to become the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. And what better place to hone his skills than right in his home city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. See you all next time for another edition of PatMan Picks ,Stamped Wrestling classics!

[youtube Hm6tlFWuyTk]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Terra Nova

There are many FPS that can be considered retro classics on PC. And then there are some that for whatever reason just didn’t get the same amount of “gamer love” as the big names did. One such game is the classic PC title Terra Nova. Part Mech Warrior and part first person shooter, Terra Nova really set itself apart from the crowd back then. Back in those days there was good reason why most FPS were called “corridor shooters” as ,frankly ,it was easier for developers to make good looking shooters that were set inside rather than outside. Terra Nova, on the other hand, had for its time vast and nicely detailed outdoor levels which many FPS at the time could not pull off. I enjoyed the battle suits in this game  and as I previously stated it gave the players the look and feel of almost a mech game rather than a FPS. The various weapons and abilities the suits had were great and I especially liked the camera drone which would be deployed and used for recon purposes. Yet while the weapons and the abilities of the battle suits did give a feel of a game like Mech Warrior, the speed of the game was much faster and there was no doubting it was at its hart a first person shooter. Another interesting game play mechanic was the ability to command your squamates as you progressed in the missions. Players had the the ability to assign task to squamates such as defending a position, holding fire or following you to a specific location. This was for its time pretty cool as it allowed players to feel like they were actually part of the squadron. Like many PC games of this era Terra Nova was chalk full of terribly acted “Full Motion Video” cutscenes. Yet, for some reason, while they were so hilariously and poorly acted I actually enjoyed watching them between levels because of the humor. I could only imagine how great a new version of Terra Nova could be with the latest PC technology but this may never happen. At least I will always have fond memories of the original classic.

[youtube O-lSKGDebrg]

Smackdown: 07/01/11

Happy Canada Day (also known as NHL Free Agent Frenzy Day up North)! It’s also time for the blue show not called Impact Wrestling, that’s right! It’s time for a Smackdown review, full of animated gifs and all that jazz. And not just any jazz…

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RPG of the Year – 2008

I have to apologize in advance. I don’t own a PS3 or iPod, so there are a few titles here I can’t play that I’m sure you guys are going to dislodge your jaws wondering about. I’m sure Valkyria Chronicles is awesome. There, I said it…but I don’t know personally, so I can’t put it in my top 5. Not fair, but there it is. There are 35 games, so let’s do it!
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Wonderpod Episode 69

The vacation is over, which means new Wonderpod. The number of this episode may have possessed the crew. I refuse to apologize for our antics, in fact this  episode wins the prize for most laughter while editing. We did manage to talk about video games as well.

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Step Aside Sequels, id Softwares Game May Be All The Rage.

Battlefield 3, Gears Of War 3, Halo CE Anniversary, COD MW3. There are some very heavy hitters coming out on the Xbox 360 by the end of the year. All of these FPS titles have a history of being quality games that are popular among shooter fans world wide. But there is another shooter coming out that has the most amazing history and legacy behind it. That game is Rage. Thats right Rage from id software. Its almost strange how this title is not getting the attention on consoles that the above named titles are, considering the legacy of its creators, legendary id software. After all, they are called “the creators of  the FPS ” and with amazing and famous franchises such as DOOM, Quake and Wolfenstein 3d , id software has alway made fun playing  and amazing shooters. So lets take a look at the legacy of id software and what we can expect from Rage on consoles. The engine looks to be one of the best looking game engines ever on consoles, period. And not only does it look great, but thanks to Jon Carmack it is running at 60 FPS. Take that, CODMW3!

Impact Wrestling: 06/30/11

Impact sure has it’s work in store for themselves tonight. Since the week began, we’ve not only witnessed and speculated over CM Punk’s scathing shoot promo on RAW, we’re also hot off the heels of an epic ROH iPPV. For anyone who follows all three promotions, one has to wonder how the little promotion from Orlando that couldn’t responds. What we can expect is that Sting continues his controversial new persona that combines elements of Heath Ledger’s Joker, Chris Farley’s Bennett Brauer, and ol’ Rubber Face himself, Jim Carrey. Which pop culture characterization will Sting absorb, tonight?

Little known fact, Stinger Heath Farley got his start working days as a Gelatinous Cube.

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Epic Minecraft Boat Jump

Hey everyone!  Sorry for the lack of posts, I finally figured out how to set up a Minecraft multiplayer server so it’s been pretty much my obsession for the last week or so.  Anyway here’s a quick little video of one of the stupid things we did last night.


Meditations on a CM Punk Promo

Yeah, I know. Everybody is going to be talking about the CM Punk promo from last night. Any why shouldn’t we? I can count on my hand the number of times wrestling has gotten “real.” Montreal Screw Job was one. Bash at the Beach (Russo’s promo) was at best what we still think was one. Edge’s retirement promo was one. And last night on Raw was a real moment. Or at least we think it was.

It was reminiscent of Paddy Chayefsky’s “Network” (which if you have never seen, is one of the best movies of ALL TIME). Another scene it reminded me of was the opening scene on the short-lived show “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip,” which had Judd Hirsch cutting a very Punk-like promo on the state of his television show.

Was it a work or a shoot? I still can’t decide. My Twitter timeline was filled with person after person calling this the greatest promo ever, the greatest moment in the history of Raw, CM Punk is a god, etc. Stone Cold Steve Austin called the promo one of the best he’s ever seen. My wife (who is usually asleep by 8:15 central time) was on the edge of her seat asking “What is going on?” She asked me to update her tomorrow morning. She made us go talk to my sister-in-law (who is temporarily living with us) to try to describe it to her. I LOST SLEEP thinking about this because I was so excited! Do you know the last time pro wrestling made me lose sleep?

I’ve watched wrestling since 1996. It’s hard for me to believe that anything that happens on WWE’s television isn’t a work. First of all, if Punk grabbed the mic and they didn’t want him to talk, it would have never turned on. And if he veered off the topic, he would have been cut off the moment he mentioned the fourth wall. Random stuff DOES NOT come on the WWE’s television. Second of all, notice that when he was cut off, he was talking about Vince McMahon. Now the only question is did Vince McMahon suspend Punk or did Mr. McMahon suspend Punk? Third, they mentioned New Japan and Ring of Honor and Colt Cabana. This is not the first time Ring of Honor has been mentioned on WWE TV (Matt Hardy, anyone?). And what money is the WWE going to lose by New Japan being mentioned? Notice he didn’t say anything about TNA? (And yes, I know. He was already there once and they didn’t know what to do with him. I doubt he will be going back there.)

Have we seen something new here? Is Triple-H (who we have heard is beginning to run things) trying something that will work? Did Trips give him the microphone and say “Shoot. I’ll cut you off when you start talking about Vince and Bullying”? For the first time in a LONG time, I am on the edge of my seat. Raw is must-see, can’t-miss. I have one million questions and reasons to turn into Raw. Whomever let this happen, I give you full credit. This is the best thing I’ve seen on Raw in a long time and possibly, ever.

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RPG of the Year – 2007

Surprisingly, there weren’t as many games this year, but all the same this year was AWESOME. There are 39 games. This was actually a tough year as far as deciding #4 and #5, though the top 3 was obvious even from the get-go. Let’s do this!
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