Brawler of the Year – 1997

This was a slow year for brawlers (unless Wiki’s being a jerk). However, there were some interesting titles this year all the same.
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Fallout New Vegas Has More DLC

Fallout New Vegas has more DLC for you to purchase and enjoy. My question is, does this Fallout now have more DLC than Fallout 3 did? Either way I was to lazy to write this morning and watching Fallout game play is always entertaining. Enjoy the video from our usually supplier.

FPS of the Year – 1997

Terribly sorry about the delay. I meant to post this yesterday, but…well…my 360 died…AGAIN…and as a result, I also didn’t get L.A. Noire upon its release date. Very sad stuff, but I should be resolving that shortly. In any case, this is yet another big year that houses some of my all-time favorite FPSs. And that is exactly why though it was obvious what my #1 is for this year, it was heartbreaking to not be able to do the same for so many other great titles. ANYWAY…let’s get into it.
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Smurfs Episode Two

I woke up this morning in a goofy and outrageous mood. That meant I had to immediately put underwear on my head and rock out to DEVO for a while. Instead of giving you my normal morning shtick, how about you guys enjoy a smurf episode instead. While you do that I will try and figure out whose underwear this is.

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… And I Feel Fine!

WOAH!  HEY THERE!  It’s a big week for Western Society!  Bookended by two monumental events!  The first being the EIGHT Birthday of Your Favourite Website, TCR Comix!  Yeah, it was May 16th and I’m late, but I’ve been kind of busy.  Busy preparing for the other big event, THE RAPTURE YOU GUYS!

May 21st has been predicted by some long-winded Hellfire and Brimstone types as the Beginning of the End of the world, all culminating on October 2st, when the Earth and all remaining humanity are destroyed by FIRE!  I know, It might seem kind of cruel to pick on these dudes for their spectacular ignorance, but I hardly doubt they would offer any sort of quarter if the shoe was on the foot.  And hey, THEY MIGHT BE RIGHT!  So, as it stands, in the event of the End of Times, the game plan is to meet up in the Seventh Circle of Hell.  There, we’ll play RISK with my good buddies Attila the Hun and Alexander The Great.  Maybe after, we’ll take in a Black Sabbath Concert.

Also, if you’re wondering why the huge change in my art style, it’s something I’ve been playing with for a while.  I kind of like it, and if you do too, I may use it more.

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All New Dead Island -Tragedy Hits Paradise Trailer

Ok, I will be the first to admit it. Zombies are the most over used creatures in video games as of late. They are in DLC packs where they don’t belong just because Zombies are the latest cool thing we want to shoot on out TV. Zombies pop up in games that make no sense what so ever ( Hi Red Dead redemption), and its getting to be pretty much Zombie over load for me, personally. So when I heard about this game I paid no attention to it in the slightest. Why would I? Its yet another Zombie survival game… BIG yawn. But now that I take a closer look, it looks like it could be one of the best Zombie games to date. So, what the heck, lets watch the latest trailer for Dead Island and be happy that although its yet again another Zombie game, it looks to be potentially one of the best ones yet.

[youtube  bRY0goy7-io]

Renegade Ops

Looks like the folks at Sega have a new game coming to the XBLA, PSN. I am digging this little game already for one reason. I get a real Spy Hunter vibe off the trailer. Does that mean the game is going to be great? Who knows for sure, but it is one worth keeping and eye one. If nothing else a demo and the price will let us know. So what do you think?

Courtesy of gametrailers

Rain Bull Crafting

I live in California, a few hours north of San Francisco. I mention this because when people think California, they think lots of sunshine. I wish someone would tell mother nature that little fact. We are experiencing rain in mid May. It really makes it hard to operate my sheep fondling business. I mean nobody calls you to come fondle sheep in the rain and mud, that just makes it weird. Old mother nature needs to think about us self employed folks the bitch.

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New Gotham City shooter, where you play as Batman wannabes? Gotham City Impostors.

Monolith Productions has announced a new Gotham City game where, apparently, you can not be Batman nor the Joker. No, I am not kidding, you cant be either of those characters, because who would want to do that when you can be some random Batman obsessed lesser cool, copy-cat vigilantly instead?  Basically you can play as one of many ” impostors,” much like the ones seen in the latest Batman movie. Of course ,what good is a Gotham City game which you can NOT actually play as the Batman without  NOT being able to actually play as the Joker as well?  You can, however, play as inferior “Joker Impostors”  in this newly announced shooter for XBLA and PSN.     What’s next wonders PatMan,  a Transformers game set on Cyberton where you cant play as a giant transforming robot, but maybe one of those lesser and cheaper “impostor Go-Bots” instead ? Or a Star Wars game where , instead of playing as a Jedi Knight you can play as that fat kid of the internet ” the star-wars kid”, and fall all over the place as an impostor Jedi?  The possibilities are endless, really.  All kidding aside , there is little info about Gotham City Impostors as of yet. However, a shooter staring BatMan and Joker “Wannabes”  just doesn’t get me interested. How about you?

here is the website

YES ! I cant WAIT to play a Gotham City shooter where I can play as one of THESE guys instead of Batman !


Starhawk trailer

Welcome to the Bruce is to lazy to write show.  Instead I present you with a trailer for Starhawk, which is a PS3 game coming out next year. You read that correct I am throwing up a trailer for a PS3 game. What will the neighbors think.  If you liked Warhawk for the PS3, then check out the trailer.