Smackdown 12/27/13

Holidays. They happen. The question is Taco or No Taco (hint, check out that article). By default, I will watch this show. Maybe the answer to that question will be discovered? Maybe…

Hopping time…

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PatMan Plays Halo : Spartan Assault. Xbox One.

While everyone is relaxing and eating Christmas leftovers today I have recorded yet another  game-play video on my Xbox One. This time around it is footage of Halo Spartan Assault, a $14.99 downloadable twin stick shooter set in the Halo universe. If the name seems familiar that would be because the game was released originally on Windows Tablets. It had decent reviews , however to no real surprise,  its “virtual  twin stick” touch screen controls were said to be frustratingly non precise.  Also, it didn’t have any multi player. I never played the Windows version but I am glad to say it controls just fine using the Xbox One controller . Also co-op missions, both local and online, are now added to the game so you can fight off the Flood with your friends, if you so wish. The Xbox One version also runs at 60F/S and in 1080P. For the price of only $14.99 you will obviously not get a Halo 4 quality game experience, and frankly you would be a fool to think you that you would.  However, you do get a lot of twin stick action filled with all of your favorite Halo weapons, vehicles ,characters and sounds. If you played Spartan Ops in Halo 4 you will know some of the characters in Spartan Assault, not that it makes much of a difference to the action. Also the animated cut scenes have a nice art style to them. The original game was created for mobile tablet systems, and thus some of the levels are shorter than you might expect out of a Halo game. But, the replay is strong here with the ability to beat your scores and times, change your load outs,  or just go back and shoot the hell out of stuff. As a Halo fan I was probably expecting a little too  much from this little tablet game, but what is here is good fun, controls well and fits in well with the Halo universe. Over all the game is worth its budget price tag and I hope to play some online co-op sometime in the future. Check out some of the game I recorded below.

Original Stampede Wrestling Invades Taco or No Taco

On December 23rd, 2013, I had the humble opportunity to attend a Pop-Up Taqueria event described as an evening of “TACOS, BEER, BOURBON, HIP HOP, & LIVE LUCHADOR WRESTLING”. It was a collaborative effort between Original Stampede Wrestling and Taco or No Taco. DJ Tokyo was booked to kick out some old school funk and hip hop. When Doc Knight of OSW offered to get me into this completely sold out event, I booked off my night job because Christmas had just come early.

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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 105


This.  This is what happens when Joe actually prepares for a show.  Disaster strikes.  Jorge didn’t show up, and I accidentally leaned on something, which shut down the entire show for a few minutes, including our Ustream feed.  But that’s not to say the show was a total loss.  Joe, JT, G, and Mark discuss the TLC Pay-Per-View and get through the RAW recap before jumping into a discussion about all of the RAW guest hosts, and confusing Perez Hilton for Paris Hilton.  After the break, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling joins us to talk about upcoming events, including tomorrow night’s  super sold-out “Taco or No Taco” exhibition in Calgary.  A brief bit of BWF Theatre leads us into the news, where we debate whether AJ’s outburst at Michelle Beadle was real or scripted, who’s staying home while Madison Rayne returns to Europe with the TNA roster, and get Jake Roberts’ thoughts on Bray Wyatt.  Jimmy Hart talks WWE Legends House.  G confirms whether or not you’re allowed to say a certain word in Canada.  Find out why a Saudi Arabian journalist doesn’t want WWE or John Cena to come to his country.  And what has Mistico been up to since Hunico started playing Sin Cara on RAW?  All this and much more on a Christmas filled episode of BWF Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 105 (MP3, 2:12:30)

Songs in today’s episode:

“F*ck All This Christmas” by Stevie B.  Buy it here!
“Hey Santa Claus” by Kevin Bloody Wilson.  Buy it here!
“You Can’t Say C*nt In Canada” by Kevin Bloody Wilson.  Buy it here!
“Run, Rudolph, Run” by Lemmy Kilmister, Billy F. Gibbons, & Dave Grohl.  Buy it here!

Patman Plays COD Ghosts. Absence Makes The Game More Fun?

If you have listened to the last few years of Wonderpod, you will no doubt know that most of the crew stopped playing COD on a yearly basis. I for one just got bored of the exact same multi player, exact same 12 yearolds talking trash and the same single player campaign moments.  So, after taking 2 years away from COD I decided to try it again on the Xbox One. I am glad that I did because the absence of COD in my video game library over the last 2 years has made me enjoy COD Ghosts single player much more than I expected. The truth is, I am having lots of fun with all the over the top, silly, action packed moments that this title has to offer in its single player. Taking a break from the series, while also realizing that I should not compare every COD game that comes out to COD 4, are 2 things that have really helped me enjoy myself with Ghosts.  Here is a sample of the gameplay, recorded on my Xbox One, for you to taste. It is random game play so if you don’t want to be ” spoiled” don’t watch it, I suppose. I will see how the online multiplayer goes in the next few days although I already know that I will miss the old WPO crew and its extended friends while playing. See you all on the flip side!

Dogfighting “Free To Play” In Star Wars Attack Squadrons.


So, out of the blue this Star Wars game announcement trailer comes out today. To be honest, when this new title turned out to be a “squadron space ship combat” game I was very interested. I was a big fan of the old Star Wars Rouge Squadron games on the N64 and Gamecube however with Factor 5 being no more, I didn’t think I would be seeing a game like this come out anytime soon. And Star Wars Attack Squadrons  looks  to be the closest thing to  Rouge Squadron we have seen in years. Then I watched the trailer. Then my excitement level dropped considerably. The worst voice acting ever is a good way to describe the voices in this trailer and the game just looks “clunky” to me for a title that is coming out in 2014. I know it is in pre beta form here and I don’t even know what systems it will be on, but judging from the production quality in the trailer I am guessing mobile and maybe last gen systems.  Oh, and Star Wars Attack Squadrons is” Free to Play” ,so I am betting there will be plenty of micro transactions to be had here. Needless to say my excitement went from high to medium after learing of the free to play mechanics and watching the not so impressive trailer. Still, I am going to give this game the benefit of the doubt and see how it turns out.  My hopes are no longer high for Star Wars Attack Squadrons, but I will still watch its development with interest.

PatMan Plays Dead Rising 3 Demo. J Walking Zombies Must Die.

Another day, another Xbox One game play video. These things are just too easy to create. This time around I am screwing around with the Dead Rising 3 demo. I wont say that I am really ” playing” the demo, because I don’t pay much attention to the civilians that are crying for my help, and I also don’t go on any fetch quests for them. In other words, I don’t play the game as intended, I just screw around . Still, If you like these types of games, there is a lot to do and a lot of Zombie killing love to be had in Dead Rising 3. I recommend you buy the game if you enjoyed the last 2 titles in the series. But for me, my Zombie video game tolerance is nearly at full capacity and , as I said, I am not helping out any of the game characters at all as I play. As you will see, I am kind of a dick to a female civilian who asks for help when I just ride off on a motorcycle. I just drive over Zombies in a variety of motorized vehicles. Why? Because Zombies. That is why. Go check out the demo for yourself and see if it is for you. One thing I do like about this title is the insane number of Zombies it has on screen at times. It makes you feel  totally hopeless and insanely outnumbered. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some Zombies to run over in my car below.


PatMan Plays Peggle 2. Sensory Overload.

What is going ON people?  It must be the weekend because PatMan is back with more Xbox One gameplay videos. This time, I play the recently released sequel to the ultra popular game of the same name, Peggle 2. This fun, bright, colorful game can lead to sensory overload if you are not careful.  Also, it can also lead to hours of time spent in front of your Xbox One. While, for the moment, Peggle 2 is “exclusive” on Xbox One, you can bet it is only a timed exclusive and this addictive title will eventually be appearing on iOS, PC and everywhere else at some point in the future. But, if you need a Peggle 2 fix right away, there is only one place to do that and it is on the Xbox One. See you all on the flip side!

Smackdown 12/13/13: Go Away Show

And so it begins. Out Slammy fallout and last ditch effort to sell a PPV. It’s hard to care about this episode of Smackdown, seeing that I have very little reason to care about said PPV and this Sunday on BWF Radio we are holding our own annual awards. Tonight’s episode is nominated for least fucks given of the year. Will it win? Only one way to find out. You know the drill, click the link because it’s…

Hopping time…

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Wonderpod Episode 188(year end)

We are at the end of another year for Wonderpod. It has been a great year and we do the most laid back recap ever. Far more fun doing it with little to no format for the crew. Looking back on a years worth of shows is both enjoyable and a little daunting. So grab the show and see how we did.
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