PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Practice Makes Ultras.

What is going on people? It’s the weekend and that means I’m back in front of the Xbox One for more video game playing fun. I haven’t had much time during the week to play killer instinct , but I got some practice in last night and I can actually see an improvement already. And, thanks to the ease of just saying “Xbox Record That”, so can you. Orchid is my main fighter for now and as you will see in my gameplay footage, even with my limited game time , I’m getting half decent with her. I think . Check out my first “Ultra” at the end, and I will see you all on the flip side.



Smackdown 12/06/13

Well, here we are again. Yes, it’s Friday. I started off my day driving through the snowy tundra hell that Calgary has become over the last week in search of a drill bit set for my Dad. Then I had the delight of appearing on an upcoming special episode of RWR with Alice Radley. Then, I returned to the tundra and honed my trades, only to return to Smackdown. That’s what life is… a series of down-endings. You start being ripped from the womb. Childhood is awesome, but you don’t appreciate it. Then you work. Then you die. So with that bleak metaphor…

Then we found out our RWR recording was corrupted and the file was lost. Alice and I had a fun conversation… but it seems that Barkley hates wrestling fans.

Hopping time…

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Wonderpod Episode 187

What sorcery is this? A four man Wonderpod two weeks in a row? That is right, we brought back a nice blast from the past for this episode. One that will be back on a semi regular basis in the coming year. It was a riot to record and hopefully a fun show to listen to. Enjoy the show and feel free to comment.
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PatMan Plays Kinect Sports Rivals Demo


When I first played the wave race inspired demo for Kinect Sports Rivals I was pretty skeptical. As a beta tester of the original Kinect , I knew all to well that racing games using motion control neither work well, nor feel fun to play.  And the first time I played this demo I didn’t bother looking at the tutorial. I embarrassingly finished in last place and hit just about everything I could. Not watching the tutorial was a big mistake, because the tutorial shows you how to precisely control your vehicle, how to use the speed boost, and how to land without crashing. The second time around I was prepared and things were much more fun. I hit jumps, did stunts, preformed speed boost , landed well and finished the race a close 2nd place.  I think that they should have used a more simple sport, for the sake of “selling” the demo, and that using a controller is still better for racing games. That said, I had fun with it and Rare has proven that racing games using Kinect 2.0 can actually work well.

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 102

This is exactly what Jorge will look like when he’s doing RWR tomorrow night.

This week, the crew discuss independent wrestling, as Joe and Jorge recount their experience at Empire State Wrestling’s “WrestleBash” event.  Joe, Jorge, JT, G, and Mark are joined by Topher of ProWrestlingPowerhouse, and unexpectedly by Doc Knight and KATANA from Original Stampede Wrestling.  We cover most of wrestling television from the week, discuss the lack of continuity in the Brie Bella/Daniel Bryan WWE television relationship, and ponder the absurdity that was the Michael Strahan/Titus O’Neil/Miz segment from RAW.  In the news, are the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships really being unified?  What did Matt Hardy think of RAW?  Where is AJ Styles going next?  And more importantly, how is The Dynamite Kid doing after his recent strokes?  All these questions are answered to the best of our ability on BWF Radio!  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 102 (MP3, 2:37:22)

This week’s break song was “Underwhelmed” by Sloan.  Buy it here!

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Xbox One.

What is going ON people?  In case you missed out on the last episode of wonderpod, available on iTunes and here at the site, I have a new fancy Xbox One. And that means, boys and girls, that all I have to do is say ” Xbox Record that”, and it does. I have been enjoying the machine as much as a daddy of a 22 month old boy can, which means very sporadically. Anyways here is a little bit of footage of me playing the new KI. I am just figuring out the fighting mechanics, controls and moves  so, needless to say, it is just me having fun with the game and not really doing very well.  Anyways,its a very fun game and yes, there could have been more characters. But then again, it is a fraction of the price of a new retail fighting game. I also have the original KI arcade , finally, as well. I might post some footage of that game at another time. See you all on the flip-side! PatMan out!

Smackdown 11/28/13

Ahh.. Black Friday Night Smackdown. I wonder if everyone’s in the concorse of the arena mobbing the merch stand and Barrett Barrage Energy Bar souvenier stand? Maybe, or maybe not. In Canada, it’s starting to catch on too. I swear I saw almost half the country at Gordie’s Bait and Tackle, Hockey Skate Sharpening and All Purpose Maple Syrup Centre. Yep, all eight of ’em. They were all politely waiting outside in order to let the other people in, so the line never moved. Oh yeah, wrestling. Or as we up North call it, Le Wrestling, eh?

Hopping time…

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Wonderpod Episode 186

It is time for a holiday Wonderpod. Okay, so it was recorded on a Holiday in one country. Good thing we have an international cast of characters to plug into the show. Chris Loyd joins us on the show this week and we were really glad he could be on. What are you waiting for? Give it a listen.
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Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 101

Buffalo, NY based Country-Punk artist Andrew J Reimers guest hosts with the crew as G leaves early to secretly go turkey hunting, since he knows this is the real Thanksgiving coming up.  Joe, Jorge, JT, Mark, and Andrew cover this week in wrestling television.  For our break song, Andrew performs his ode to being a Buffalo Bills fan, “Four Years In A Row.”  In the news, Dixie Carter claims Panda Energy hasn’t financed TNA in quite a while, WWE kills “Classics On Demand,” and MVP says “all options are open.”  WWE pays tribute to the late Maurice “Mad Dog” Vachon.  A front row WrestleMania ticket will cost you how much on StubHub?  We reveal Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards’ NXT names, and a former Buffalo Bills player checks out the WWE Performance Center, and much more.  Andrew performs the old country-wrasslin’ classic “With My Baby Tonight” to close out the show.  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 101 (MP3, 2:01:16)

Today’s songs were “Four Years In A Row” and “With My Baby Tonight” as performed by Andrew J Reimers.  See this facebook post for the download links for each performance.

Smackdown 11/22/13: Go Away Show.

Since I have things that force me to only appear briefly on BWF Radio 101 this Sunday, I plan on making this the worst best G’s-non-present Smackdown review ever. It will still be better than the RAW review, of course, but I assure you, it will suck. And no, this is not just a swerve or a distraction to confuse ThinkSoJoE into skipping over the word-for-word verbatim that usually appears on the show.

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if this got read on BWF Radio when I am away this Sunday? Dog Gammit… only one way to find out. Maybe J.T. Hogan will read the whole thing in his J.T. Game voice?

Hopping time…

I never lie in my reviews after all.

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