Smackdown 03/08/13

Long week, and kind of a sad one. But no need to divulge in that crap, since Smackdown is on… and frankly, I’m tired and thereby, lazy. So grab some industrial sized springs, yeah those ones with the sharp ends. Jam them into the soles of your feet and proceed to turn them into your foot until they come out of the top because it’s hopping time!

…or flippy floppy time?


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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. I, Gladiator

I am back with another free iPhone game for your enjoyment this fine weekend .  Do you like blood, gore and violence? Well good, because I have a free game for you then. I gladiator has gone free, but as usual it is for limited time. It’s a nice looking cell shaded hack and slash action / fighting game where you play as a gladiator,battling it out against all sorts of well armed opponents in various locations. You’ll be fighting in arenas ,decapitating your opponents ,pushing them into fire pits, squishing them them on spikes, making them step into bear traps and other gruesome gladiator like things.  The game controls decently and it looks good in cell shaded form. I gladiator is a fun distraction of an iOS title with lots of gruesome fighting and even a little story line to go along. At its current price of absolutely nothing, you should get downloading it before it goes back up in price sometime soon! Check out my usual screenshots below and I’ll see you on the flip-side for more free iOS games!

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Wonderpod Episode 149

This weeks Wonderpod looked like a mess on paper. The good news is the crew is amazing and we pulled together a stellar show for you. Some weeks just running one hundred miles and hour and recording it all works the best of all. Enjoy the show and have a good weekend.
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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Back To The Future. The Game. Ep. 1

Welcome back to another free iOS game pick from yours truly. This time, my free pick  is a video game adaptation of one of my favorite movies of all time, Back To The Future.  Back To The Future The Game has its own new story and is not a retelling of the events of the movie. This game takes place six months after the events of the last film. I have never played this version of Back To The Future, and it is “based on events and characters of the movies” so, I am pretty excited to give it a whirl. Purists might not like the fact that the game is not 100 percent the same as the movie, but who cares, it looks like a very cool game, and for a short time it is absolutely free of charge. I am actually glad that  it is a new story and a new adventure to be honest. Anyways stop reading this and start downloading it from the app store because,  as usual, these free deals may not last long. And it is not like you have a DeLorean to go back and get it for free once the deal is over. Check out the trailer below!

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Smackdown 03/01/13. We’re Marching Through Georgia… (G-G-G-Georgia. I don’t give a damn where they are tonight, I love that Pavement song).

Never underestimate The “Unseen Power Of The Picket Fence”. Alice of RWR knows what I’m talking about. So does J.T., Joe, and Jorge of BWF Radio. We’ll see you on Sunday for the podcast. Maybe even Alice will show up and make Jorge laugh? Until then, I decided to continue my streak of abusing my psycological well being and review another episode of The Mediocre Khali Show. Sigh. That dude ain’t hopping. He has no knees, like Kevin Nash, nor legs like Zack Gowan, nor feet like Kamala. But all of those dude’s collected a paycheck at least. I never did. Hopping time, jerks.

Here at BWF, you have No Alernative. You’ll find this track there too. Ask your buddy Google to explain. Look up Benoit, Cobain, Man on the Moon, REM, Kaufman, and Pavement. None of it will make any sense to you, but it does to me. And that’s how, I roll. One more match. Tell Google, G sent you.
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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 64

ThinkSoJoE, JT, G, and Jorge return for another episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  Joe loses his mind, causing BWF’s RYTMAN to question his sanity in the comments of the live broadcast.  Did Triple H really piss himself on RAW?  Was John Cena vs. CM Punk really worthy of being shown on EVERY WWE SHOW this week?  Was TNA worth watching?  What was so “social” about SmackDown?  In the news, we find out the whereabouts of Ted DiBiase Jr.  We discuss possible Old School RAW participants.  Darren Young injured?  Ain’t nobody got time for that!  Why is Donald Trump “Hulk Hogan creepy?”  What could be a better name for a wrestling themed pizzeria than “Squared Circle?”  What in the blue hell is the Harlem Shake, and will Joe be doing it at WrestleMania?  All this and more on this week’s edition of BWF Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 64 (MP3, 2:10:05)

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PatMan Plays. Arcade Craft.

As a little kid I remember spending countless hours in video arcades with my big brother. We would play the latest arcade games and, of course , our favorite classic coin ops over and over again. Then, something happened. The arcades started to disappear one at a time.  As kids we were of course disappointed to see this take place. Of course also ,as kids , we never really thought about why they went away. When I discovered the Xbox Indy game Arcade Craft, it really brought back those fond memories while also allowing me to experience the actual business side of running an 80’s arcade without going bankrupt like most arcade owners eventually would do. Arcade Craft is a fun, lighthearted “80’s arcade simulator” that for about three dollars, is a pretty fun time waster. I’m glad I discovered it this morning on a rare trip deep into the hard to navigate Xbox Indy games section.

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. The Silent Age, Episode One

The weekend is here and to go along with all the fun activities why not try out another FREE iOS title? This time it is an old school inspired point and click adventure/puzzle game that goes by the name “The Silent Age”. This is a nice change of pace from the usual endless runners, platformers , racing games and physics based puzzle titles that littler the app stores across the globe. I just only downloaded The Silent Age Episode One myself , and its pretty cool so far. I like how the story is told, the art style and the music. In other words go download this game now for the price of nothing and enjoy.  If any of you used to enjoy the point and click style PC games of the past I am sure you will get some enjoyment out of this game. For those of you too young to remember those days, check this game out for at least a small sample of what you missed out on.I am honestly too early in for my usual in game screen shots, so take a look at this video trailer instead. Have a good weekend and I will see you all on the flip side!

Wonderpod Episode 148

We got a brand new Wonderpod for you listening pleasure. This weeks show is all 100% fun and games. Literally we talked about games for a bit and then played one. We hope you all enjoy the change of pace
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Indie Game: The Movie – Translation

Last week, I responded to a tweet from film maker James Swirsky who was calling out for help with the translation of ‘Indie Game: The Movie‘ into Norwegian. My Norwegian is limited to say the very least, so I recruited my friend Liz, who is a native Norwegian living in the UK.

I filmed some of the process as we were going along, and put together a short film, which is below.

If you want to check out ‘Indie Game: The Movie’, head on over to Netflix, or iTunes.