Last month, ‘MAMA’ came out in the cinemas over here (UK). The film deals with the story of two young girls abandoned in a forest cabin, fostered by an unknown entity that they fondly call ‘Mama’.

It was based on a short film of the same name, that caught the eye of Guillermo Del Toro, which then took it on to produce the feature.

I am yet to see the feature, and I don’t think it could do the short any justice whatsoever. It is one of the most well made short films that I have ever seen, and genuinely scared me, which rarely happens to me when I watch any fiction.

Please do yourself a favour and watch the link below. There is a short introduction by Del Toro in the beginning.

If you have seen the feature, let me know in the comments, how it compares to the short. 




PatMan Plays Lili. A quirky adventure on your iPhone.

Around these parts I’m well known for picking out fun and free games on iOS. But every now and then I see a game drop in price that interests me so much I just have to pick it up. This time the game Lili found my interests and last weekend it dropped in price to under a dollar.  This was more than enough for me to  want to check it out. I’m glad I did.

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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 63

We want Punk to have that one. Get ’em, Punk!

It’s that time of the week again, where ThinkSoJoE passes the dutchie on the left hand side.  This week, the BWF crew are joined by Rational Wrestling Review’s Alice Arrington, who rubs it in our faces that Chris Jericho did a three hour interview with herself and Konnan this week on MLW.  We go over the week in pro wrestling television before diving straight in to the saga of Jack Swagger.  We talk about Swagger’s arrest, and how Glenn Beck and Alex Jones have likely saved his title match at WrestleMania.  Speaking of Glenn Beck, we called him out on Twitter earlier this week.  Did he show up to talk to us?  Of course he didn’t!  We dive even further into the drama that is Hart Legacy Wrestling, with quotes from Lance Storm on how the original show was booked.  We reveal (in case you’ve been living under a rock) details about who will be publishing the next WWE video game, plus a rumor about TNA’s next foray into the world of gaming.  All this, and much more, on BWF Radio Episode 63!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 63 (MP3, 2:31:10)

Wonderpod Episode 147

This weeks Wonderpod covers two major announcements in the world of gaming. The problem was It felt like we were left with more questions than answers. That didn’t stop the Wonderpod crew from creating an interesting discussion out of the mess. Hit the button and will move forward.
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Smackdown 02/22/13: Wednesday Drivers!

Obviously with Jack Swagger getting a DUI for smoking marijuana and driving erratically on Wednesday, the impact of said offense will not be reflected on tonight’s Smackdown. It will, however, leave one to speculate on whether this is the last time we see Jack Swagger and Zeb… potentially ever. So let’s all put on our favorite racist singlets and plop down to watch a possible Swan Song of Swaggler.

Admit it. This would be fun.

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. FLASHOUT 3D

Another day, another FREE iOS title for you to get downloading on your apple device of choice. This time it is a very fast paced and futuristic racer by the name of FLASHOUT 3D.  Please note, don’t confuse this with the “free”, light version. This is the full game,  only free for a limited time ,so download the right game at your app store. If you think this game has just a bit of Wipeout and F-Zero in it, well, your absolutely correct. But that’s not a bad thing at all. And there is also some fun combat involved with power ups for speed , attack and protection. The only problem I am having with the combat aspect of the game is that its a bit fast to be taking down opponents, so I am just focusing on the racing element so far to be honest. Like most of these racers you can upgrade your vehicle and even buy new ones once you start winning some races. The game looks nice, controls decently and is fun. What more would a racing game fan want? How about paying absolutely nothing for it? So, go check my game play screens below and have a fun weekend zipping around the place and trying to finish on top!  Until next time, I will see you all on the flip side!

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Plants vs. Zombies

Another big name , multi platform game has gone FREE on iOS , and this time this particular game has gone free for the first time. That game is Plants VS Zombies & Plants VS Zombies HD for your iPhone & iPad respectively.  I have never played this game so I am downloading it right now as I type this post, and really I suggest you do the same thing as well. In case your not familiar with this pretty famous game, its a “Tower Defense” title, only made more user friendly and simple so that everyone can enjoy it. Basically, you just drop seeds in your back yard in order to grow various plants. these plants  have ways of fending off those dreaded Zombies that are coming to eat your brains. It is a very popular game and I am excited to give it a go right now.  Especially for, you know, FREE. So, check out the game trailer below and download Plants VS Zombies before it goes back up to its regular price. See you all on the flip side for more PatMan Picks!

[youtube v2WT45BoVFQ]

PS4 is upon us

So by now you would have heard, or seen the announcement of the PS4 that was made yesterday (20th February).

I stayed up way past my bedtime to watch the three hour conference. The light show at the beginning was pretty cool and got me a little hyped up and excited. I can’t help but feeling that I was a little violated by a bit of hypnotism, but all jokes aside, I was pretty excited about it.
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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 62


Joe, Jorge, G, JT, and Brian are joined by Carolina Panthers TE Gary Barnidge for the first part of the show.  We ask the hard hitting questions, like “Vince McMahon or Vince Lombardi.”  We talk about the American Football Without Borders charity, and Gary joins us for Elimination Chamber picks.  We get into the news, including Miz accidentally dropping Punk on his head, TNA Lockdown not consisting entirely of cage matches, and Rey Mysterio’s surgeon potentially losing his license.  We chime in on the IOC dropping wrestling from the 2020 Olympic games.  We update the whereabouts of Steve Blackman.  We talk about Scott Hall.  We find out who is making the WWE ’14 video game.  Is John Cena sleeping with a porn star?  All this and more on BWF Radio!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 62 (MP3, 2:07:02)

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead

Welcome back to another episode of PatMan Plays Free iOS games. This time my pick is a fun side scrolling game by the name of Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead. I have had this game for a while now as this is actually the second time it has gone free. Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead is a pretty polished looking game that controls decently, but not perfectly,  on my iPhone.  Take the opportunity to get  this one for free while it lasts. This fun 2D action game has you taking down many undead enemies, and while yes I know Zombies are the most over used characters in media today, put that aside and give this one a go anyways, will ya?  As usual the free price tag is only temporary so get downloading this one pronto as last time it was only free for less than a week. Check out the trailer below,  go kill some undead nasty bad guys, and I will see you all on the flip side!

[youtube zy8w-qn02Rg]