Posts Tagged ‘vg’

Final Fantasy 3

General Overview Join the magical adventures of Loonie, Arg, Reefer, and Dingus as they travel the land in their retarded quest to consistently annoy oldschool RPGers. What’s that? That’s not their actual names? It doesn’t fucking matter; this game is awful.

RPG of the Year – 2009

It’s entirely possible that I missed some games, but I’ll say this…this list took me a good 4 hours to put together, therefore, if I missed anything, just let me know and I’ll fact check it just in case. I’m confident, however, in the top 5 and let me tell you, there are some FANTASTIC […]

Legend of Grimrock

General Overview An oldschool dungeon crawler with new age graphics, sounds, and animations is primed and ready to kick your ass and make you remember. Despite its rough difficulty, Grimrock does everything it can to keep its core audience and branch out to new audiences by being unashamed to provide you classic gameplay with only […]

Peaceful Games

When I sit down to play a videogame, usually I know what I’m going to get out of it. If it’s an RPG, usually I’m treated to some nice visuals, a good story, possibly some new and interesting combat mechanics, lots of grinding and side questing…you know, the usual. Really, the same can be said […]

Dead Space 2

General Overview I’ve become so jaded with today’s attempts at creating a horror game of any kind that anytime one anywhere remotely interesting slaps me in the face, I crave more, usually only to find it’s not much of a horror game, even by 90s’ standards. Dead Space was a rare exception and the sequel, […]

The True Price of VideogamesThe True Price of VideogamesThe True Price of Videogames

Something I’ve been thinking about for a while is what I think videogames are really worth. When I was a kid, videogames were traditionally $40 brand new and would often go down in price within a year. Now, while the pricing scheme is usually the same, just scaled to $60 instead of $40 to start, […]

Wonderpod 106

Welcome all to an exciting new episode of Wonderpod! Exciting how? Because I said so! Tune in to hear things like…

Xenoblade Chronicles

General Overview So the much hyped up and whined over RPG of all time finally breaks onto American shores, but was the wait worth it? Actually, yes. And no, I’m not just saying that because it’s a solid RPG for the Wii, I’m saying that because it’s actually a pretty damn good RPG with all […]

Dark Spire

General Overview When is something too much? When it reaches the level Dark Spire does. If you thought Etrian Odyssey was tough, you should probably look away. Dark Spire does everything it possibly can to present you with a terrible, difficult look at a first person dungeon crawler. And sadly, it does all this while […]

Final Fantasy 12

General Overview Square Enix tosses tradition aside yet again with a single player MMO as an actual entry in the Final Fantasy series. The characters and story are pretty shitty, but the license point system, open world aspect, and semi-realtime combat may be enough to win over some diehard S-E loyalists. Plus, it looks and […]