Posts Tagged ‘Sheamus’

Smackdown: 09/23/11

Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not. Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him […]

Summerslam 2011 BWF Podcast!

On Tuesday, G of Wonderpod Online participated in a Bored Wrestling Fan round-table discussing this Sunday’s WWE PPV event, Summerslam. We ran down the announced matches, and speculate a little on those hinted at and likely to appear. You can download this (as well as our other wrestling related podcasts via iTunes here. Or if […]

Smackdown: 08/05/11. Very Good Episode… sorta.

Well first off, before we get down to the wrestling… unless you’ve missed it… there are five wrestlers who you will not see on Smackdown tonight (or any other WWE broadcasting) as they’ve been future endeavored. These would be Melina Perez, Gail Kim, Vladimir Kozlov, Chris Masters, and Harry “DH” Smith. Of the lot, I […]