NXT 06/20/12: Full Sail University Season Debut!NXT 06/20/12: Full Sail University Season Debut!NXT 06/20/12: Full Sail University Season Debut!

NXT has been relaunched, albeit not on television in the US. But I’m Canadian, so why should I care? I’m like Bret Hart, after all, a Calgarian… a heel in the States and a face EVERYWHERE else. But this isn’t about me, it’s about this new version of NXT, after all. I’m not even supposed to be here today, so let’s hop to it… shall we?

Love it! It’s a reboot!

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PUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 5: The 2012 PlayoffsPUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 5: The 2012 PlayoffsPUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 5: The 2012 Playoffs


Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned for to discuss the 2012 NHL Playoffs! As always, we’ve stayed true to the idea that this is a commentary about hockey by fans, for the fans. Censorship has no place here. Now that we are over a week removed from the Stanley Cup Final, we’ve had time to analyze and assess the madness that has happened over the last two months. We discuss a ridiculous amount of Goalie-related news, and speculate to what happens during the 2012 NHL Entry Draft and the fate of Rick Nash. Let’s get to it, shall we?
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Return to ZorkReturn to ZorkReturn to Zork

General Overview

Chock full of brainteasers, cheap deaths, instant “get stuck” situations, lots of cheezy FMVs, whimsical dialogue, and lots of laughs, Return to Zork is a game you’ll come back to again and again, but ultimately will probably need an FAQ to truly make any real progress. It’s fun, funny, has lots of great one-liners, and will easily satisfy your oldschool need for adventure gaming.
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PatMan Plays iPhone games: Aqua Moto 2.

I have finally put my ancient cell phone to rest. It is only because I was offered an absolutely free Iphone 4S by my phone company that I have now fully embraced the technology that I once was not interested in at all. I will fully admit that I quickly became fascinated with all the apps and games on this new platform. It will probably never replace my 3DS or a console for gaming, however I have been playing a lot with it as of late. So I decided what the hell, lets jump into some “PatMan Plays” iPhone games. My first will be Aqua Moto 2. If your a fan of Wave Race, do your self a favor. Find 99 cents under your couch and start downloading this app right now as you read the rest of my review.

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Super Meat Boy part 3 (Sorry Gunsage)


You Love It, I Hate It – Super Meat Boy

A lot of people often look back at older NES titles and try to say that Ninja Gaiden and Ghosts n Goblins were among the toughest of the tough. While they’re not wrong, I don’t feel that there’s any part of these games that I could deem as unfair or even frustrating. Tough, sure. Requiring lots of trial and error, maybe. But really, the toughest aspect of these games is having to sit down and do them in one go rather than having savepoints or a password system.
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BWF Radio: Episode 27BWF Radio: Episode 27BWF Radio: Episode 27

That’s right folks, we’re back at it again, as Joe and G discuss this week’s pro wrestling programming, this week’s wrestling news with JT (via voicemail), and our rundown of the WWE No Way Out card!

Don’t forget, folks, you too can leave us a voicemail by dialing 716-HOGAN-97 (716-464-2697)! We’ll pick the best ones and air them on the show!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 27 (MP3, 1:41:22)

The Bound for Glory series-TNA Impact Review, Pintnoir be pimpin’

We open the show on a Ultimate X match Aries vs Sabin vs Ion, sitting at home watching Chris Sabin back in his element was a welcome reprieve that was until Sabin tore is other ACL putting him back on the shelf. Aries retains with Hogan coming out to praise Aries before telling him that he would have to vacate the title to have a match against Bobby Roode at Destination X.

Bye Bye X division.

The push of Hernandez continues with a match against the television champion Devon. Its short and Hernandez really only botched one spot before being put down by Devon. Keep the belts away from Hernandez, Robbie E etc.

The bound for glory series featured the return our yours and my Pope D’angelo Dinero makes his return.

Pope be pimpin’ yes indeed.
And then James Storm came in and cleaned house and won. First Crimson and now 20 points in the BFG series. Go Cowboy!

New Knockout Champion Gail Kim Ms Tessmacher took on Madison “In love with who?” Rayne. I hear crickets but I digress. She (being Tessmacher) wins. This is where we need some more knockouts to make the surroundings look better, I’ve seen Madison Rayne too much.

Okay I don’t mind as much
Sunday Night saw the victoy of the “Asshole’ Ken Anderson over Hardy and RVD. I waited to see where this story would go since Hardy and RVD had storylines with Roode where as Anderson had a one off match from a couple of months ago.

This was a good match where Roode went over Anderson using the crossface and could possibly set up a any number of scenarios for Anderson afterwards. Or with Anderson tapping out will just close a door on that stretch for Roode who has been dealing with Hardy, RVD and Anderson for some time now and leave him clear for Austin Aries to feud with him over the remaining summer until Storm gets to him.

Questions I have are what will become of the X-division once Aries leaves? No Sabin, Sorenson or Nese. But we have Xema Ion and Mark Haskins? Need some new blood.

Until next week, PNTNR out!!!!

Wonderpod Episode 114

Another Saturday Wonderpod. We came down with a massive goat infection Thursday night so the show had to be postponed. They say the show must go on, but whoever said it never tangled with a goat. Good news, the show isn’t near as weird as this introduction. The first show after something like E3 is always kind of a palate cleanser/get it back on the rails affair. Although in our case a stomach pumper might be a better description. 

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Smackdown 06/15/12: Just Call Him Paul Wight, Dammit.Smackdown 06/15/12: Just Call Him Paul Wight, Dammit.Smackdown 06/15/12: Just Call Him Paul Wight, Dammit.

Well, WWE sure went and “TNA’d” RAW this week, giving us a taste of what the future has in store starting July 23rd, officially marking the 1000th RAW and the start of 3 hours of programming (including overrun). I’m on the fence about what I thought of last week’s RAW in consideration of the programs that will continue on tonight’s rendition of Friday Night Smackdown.

And in all fairness, describing a the quality of a program by using “TNA” as an adjective is kind of offensive to the oddly superior program, Impact Wrestling, over the last couple of months. This includes two great PPV’s out of the Orlando promotion (that nobody ordered, and I can’t blame them).

How long will it be before we describe TNA as botching their show as “WWE’ing” it? Enough with the editorial. Let’s just hop to it, shall we?

I bite my lip so often when hearing people mark out for new revelations in computer technology, and the internet. And I'm not even THAT savvy. I suppose I'm an elitist prick... and with that folks, let's get smarky!

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