Posts Tagged ‘2012’

BWF Radio Episode 8

Yes, another week down, and after some confusion about how many of these shows we’ve done, we break down all the wrestling action from the week. Well, most of it. Michael Cole with one of the best lines of the week? Did anybody call Brodus Clay’s Momma? Are we too old to like blindfold matches? […]

Smackdown 01/20/12: Sin City Smackdown, Actually.

So much to talk about in the world of professional wrestling this week… but tonight, I’ll just focus on the Blue Brand, Smackdown. Be sure to tune in for BWF Radio this Sunday as we run down the week’s news and results. Until then, let’s get ourselves immersed in the gambling culture and the grapplers […]

The Interwebs Are Down, Please Don’t Call 911.

Wow, I can’t believe surfing the internet allowed me to discover something that answered that big question that has plagued mankind… caused wars, created religions, made humans reconsider every action they take on this celestial sphere…

BWF Radio Episode 7

I think our theme music ran away crying when Brodus Clay busted out “Somebody Call My Momma” as his theme song. So as such, we don’t have any music this week. Just Joe, JT, G, and Pintnoir talking the finer points of wrestling, such as Brodus Clay in Kane’s lingerie, the effects of cats on […]

Smackdown 01/13/12: Show Murders AJ

Wow, this card is stacked. Or at least the non-spoiler version, which lists 8 matches tonight. Excellent! Let’s hop to it, shall we?

BWF Radio Episode 6

The BWF Radio crew are back for the new year with episode 6 of the show. This week we talk Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder, the return of Chris Jericho, the reasons why there is so much underutilizd talent in WWE, and we predict TNA’s Genesis Pay Per View. Right click & save the link below […]

Smackdown 01/06/12: Mr. Warrior? Mark Henry Commentates…

So Randall Keith Orton may be rushing back to action sooner than expected. Even though he describes his injury as “leaking” in his spine. Not a wise move, “Mr.” Viper. So now that that’s cleared up, time for Smackdown. Let’s hop to it, shall we? Finally got me a new 3DS! I’ll even post some […]

PUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 2 (Part 2)

Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned to wrap up the second half this our second installment of the season. The only way we could be more efficient, is to pull off an “Ilya Kovalchuk” and somehow find a way to give Carolina Hurricane goalie Cam Ward a free statistical goal…

PUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 2 (Part 1)

Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned for another installment! We are about 1/3 of the way into the 2011 – 2012 NHL season, and it is time to address what hockey fans think about a number of issues and events that have occurred. It’s going to be controversial, as always, and as exciting as […]

Hobbit Trailer (yeah you read that right)

The wait for the first peek at the Hobbit movie is over. The Hobbit is easily one of my favorite books of all time. I read it before I read the Lord of the Rings series. I am impressed with what I have seen in this trailer. I am not impressed with having to wait […]