Chrome Games 1 (Creatures and Castles)

It is time to start bringing you fine readers some Google Chrome games. We have talked about game apps for this web browser several times on Wonderpod. I have since decided to get off my lazy ass and start playing a few to share. The goal being to give you some fun games to waste time with. The first game out of the gate is Creatures and Castles.

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The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 2

When playing Japanese SNES games on an emulator, often there are obvious and not so obvious reasons why a game may not have come out to America. The best way to think about it is was it an RPG, did it have suggestive themes, and did it have any sort of following here in America? Well today I’m going to bring you one that has suggestive themes, one that simply would not have been allowable for the time it was released, and one that has no real following here in America, but it is fucking badass.
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The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 1

People who understand emulation, even to a small degree, know all about the fantastic world of translated games that never left Japan. Most of the time it was for reasons like RPGs not selling well in America at the time, more mature content than they felt an American audience was ready for, or simply having unamerican themes in place during an era where a lot of people really fucking loved America. For your viewing pleasure, I have added videos embedded into the pictures.

So as a result, to help kick this new series off, I will give an example for all three of those reasons. With that, let’s get started.
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BWF Radio Episode 8

Yes, another week down, and after some confusion about how many of these shows we’ve done, we break down all the wrestling action from the week. Well, most of it. Michael Cole with one of the best lines of the week? Did anybody call Brodus Clay’s Momma? Are we too old to like blindfold matches? These questions and more answered this week, on BWF Radio! Right click and save the link below!

Click to Download BWFRadio8

We quite intentionally did not comment on this atrocious part of RAW this week. Perez Hilton has no place on RAW.

Talk About Pouring Ketchup On a Guy When He’s Down

I wish I could have found a colour version of this gem, but alas, no deal. You don’t even have to enjoy hockey to get a kick out of this. See, earlier this week, Pittsburgh Penguin, Brooks Orpik laid out Jeff Skinner of the Carolina Hurricanes. The hit was debatable, as well as the Cane’s decision to allow him to return to the ice after just coming back from a serious concussion.

But that’s not the issue here. In fact there is no issue. Just one particular photo that an uncredited photographer snagged that appeared in Calgary today. Too convenient. Hit the jump to see what I mean.
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Smackdown 01/20/12: Sin City Smackdown, Actually.

So much to talk about in the world of professional wrestling this week… but tonight, I’ll just focus on the Blue Brand, Smackdown. Be sure to tune in for BWF Radio this Sunday as we run down the week’s news and results. Until then, let’s get ourselves immersed in the gambling culture and the grapplers that do battle there, shall we?

Somehow this happens…

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Pintnoir’s TNA Impact Review- The Road where Hardy, Storm, Bischoff and Mickie Travel to AAO…..

Presumably. I could be wrong. Oh well. Lets dig in.
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Wonderpod Episode 94

Here I come to fall off a cliff. Oh and I got a new episode of Wonderpod here somewhere. That is what recording the show felt like last night. Like we were running along in a field full of flowers. Then boom straight off a cliff into poo. Best part, the show still turned out awesome, even after my dog ate the router. Damn you vile internet gods screwing with us the one day of the week we need constant connection.

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Xbox Live Price Increase (a year or so later)

I wonder if anyone even remembers that the price of Xbox live went up in late 2010. In this instant Internet age it’s easy to forget. I am sure the critics and people looking to fling poo haven’t forgotten. Zeus help Microsoft for doing anything to interrupt the status quo. Granted a lot of the people I am labeling as critics are just fanboy’s of another companies hardware. Mixed in with that are honest people who were truly irked at the ten dollar increase. I paid attention to it as well, in fact I kept track of a few things connected to price hike for almost a year now. My reason for doing so was partly to bring you this wonderful post. My own selfish entertainment was the rest of the reason.

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Biff Zongo: Having the Day Off Work

Fredrik: Having the day off is not always as productive as you might hope.