Posts Tagged ‘adventure’

The Last Story

It should be noted that this is not the pre-order kit. There is actually quite a lot of swag for pre-ordering. General Overview An action RPG that has semi-real time strategy elements, close and long-range combat, lots of optional side missions, and even stealth gameplay? Surely, there’s got to be something wrong with it. That’s […]

E.V.O. – The Search For Eden

General Overview In typical Enix fashion, the world absolutely cannot evolve and continue onward without divine intervention a la player. This time around, though, you get to play as an ever-evolving organism upon which you get to control its evolution. Could this quirky, awkward, semi-edutainment title actually be something halfway interesting or is it all […]

Risen 2 – Dark Waters

General Overview Is it a pirate’s life for ye? If so, ye needn’t look much further than this one. Sure, it’s got graphical glitches, the controls could be better, the voice acting is just okay, the animations are wonky at best, and the game gets borderline offensive with some stuff, but that aside it’s easily […]

Return to ZorkReturn to ZorkReturn to Zork

General Overview Chock full of brainteasers, cheap deaths, instant “get stuck” situations, lots of cheezy FMVs, whimsical dialogue, and lots of laughs, Return to Zork is a game you’ll come back to again and again, but ultimately will probably need an FAQ to truly make any real progress. It’s fun, funny, has lots of great […]

Saints Row Series

I’ve often regarded the Saints Row series as San Andreas on crack. Really, I’m not wrong in this, but it’s how THQ and Volition go about their gangsta bromance trilogy that’s really important. All 3 Saints Row games have provided an incredibly fun, over the top experience with each one pushing the boundaries that much […]

Hector – Badge of Carnage

General Overview So in one episode, you have to repair a car…and to do so, you need a fanbelt. You have to get a fat hooker to be at least moderately attractive (by having her drink mouthwash), and then while she’s getting fucked by some bloke in a back alley, you take her garter belt […]

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

General Overview A frustrating adventure platforming game with an even more frustrating inventory system that will constantly have you pulling your hair out, not only because it’s difficult, but also because it requires constant backtracking and remembering where you set down object X for puzzle Y. And yet, it’s still one of the most charming, […]

Dead Space 2

General Overview I’ve become so jaded with today’s attempts at creating a horror game of any kind that anytime one anywhere remotely interesting slaps me in the face, I crave more, usually only to find it’s not much of a horror game, even by 90s’ standards. Dead Space was a rare exception and the sequel, […]

Just Cause 2

General Overview A typical outing into Just Cause 2 will have you deliberately flying off cliffs with motorcycles, opening up your parachute, zipping down to another vehicle with your grappling hook, and doing it all over again. The sheer amount of craziness and mayhem you can enact with this title is enough to get any […]

Kid Icarus

General Overview Kid Icarus is the epitome of what it means to be an action/adventure title. There are different scrolling stages, newer and newer challenges, status effects, upgrades, lots of interesting items, and an ever-increasing difficulty. Bottom line, if you haven’t tried this title, you’ve seriously missed out on 8 bit action/adventure goodness.