Posts Tagged ‘armor’

Through The Wurm Hole (part 5)

It all seemed so simple. Walk around close to the hunting lodge and find another rat. On top of a small hill I could see two rats a distance away and a wild boar closer to me. In retrospect that the boar ignored my presence should have been a clue. In my head I thought […]

Through The Wurm Hole (Part 3)

Today the Maria’s expedition returned to the village. Outside of gathering supplies they brought news as well. It appears that several smaller settlements have been destroyed. All of them fairly close to Arcana. Interestingly the man who brought me here returned with the rest. I was finally able to thank him for saving me that […]

FPS of the Year – 1998

You might think FPSs get worse from here. Well, that’s just it…there are MORE FPSs released in a given year now since they’ve become super popular, so there’s always the potential for shit…but I think you’ll find something interesting, especially with this year.

“All I want is Recon Armor”

Don’t get me wrong, I feel for the kid here.  Just watch the video and feel my wrath after the jump.