Posts Tagged ‘iTunes’

Wonderpod Highlight Reel – Episode 2

Welcome to another highlight reel for our podcast, Wonderpod. This is where you can get a chance to catch up on episodes you may have missed as we , hopefully, entice you to subscribe on iTunes or download the mp3 at This time around the highlight reel is a very recent show. It was our debut episode for 2011 […]

Wonderpod Episode 48

It is Friday and time for this week’s Wonderpod. This weeks show was a little messy and off the rails at times. We had our special guest from last week on for a while, then he was eaten by a gator. Saddened, but resilient the rest of the crew pressed forward talking about things.

Wonderpod Highlight Reel, Episode 1

What is going on people? This is PatMan, one of the voices of Wonderpod and I hope that you are all enjoying the new official home for Wonderpod Videogame podcast.  It has come to my attention that some of you may not have downloaded all the  past episodes of Wonderpod or maybe you have  missed a few shows here and there? Not to worry, […]