What is going on people? I hope your enjoying your weekend as much as I am. While you relax on a Sunday afternoon why not check out some highlights of an older episode of our Wonderpod Video Game Podcast? You can subscribe to us on iTunes, listen on Apple T.V. or download MP3 files of […]
Posts Tagged ‘Reel’
Wonderpod Highlight Reel !
What is going on people? PatMan here with another installment of the wonderpod video game podcast highlight reel! This time we go way back to episode 11. Yes, thats a while back, its a time before Glasenator and Survivor Man G became staples of the show. Check out our past episodes at archive.org where you […]
Wonderpod Highlight Reel !
Welcome ,once again, to another Wonderpod Video Highlight Reel. This time around I give you a short taste of episode 51, our most current episode. I was unable to attend this recording, but Bruce put together a great show. This one is a special episode because it serves as in introduction to our newest contributor, […]
Wonderpod Highlight Reel episode 4
Welcome to another Woderpod video game podcast highlight reel. Perviously we traveled back into time to revisit our first episode that made it to double digits and now we comeback to a more current time. How current? Well the last episode that we have successfully put out, hows that? Enjoy the highlight reel of episode […]
Wonderpod Highlight Reel- Episode 3
It is Thursday. That means that as you are reading this we here around Wonderpod-online are deep into a recording of our newest podcast, Wonderpod 50. Its going to be out on the Weekend for all to download and enjoy, but for now lets go back in the Wonderpod time machine, back to one of […]
Wonderpod Highlight Reel – Episode 2
Welcome to another highlight reel for our podcast, Wonderpod. This is where you can get a chance to catch up on episodes you may have missed as we , hopefully, entice you to subscribe on iTunes or download the mp3 at archive.org. This time around the highlight reel is a very recent show. It was our debut episode for 2011 […]
Wonderpod Highlight Reel, Episode 1
What is going on people? This is PatMan, one of the voices of Wonderpod and I hope that you are all enjoying the new official home for Wonderpod Videogame podcast. It has come to my attention that some of you may not have downloaded all the past episodes of Wonderpod or maybe you have missed a few shows here and there? Not to worry, […]