Posts Tagged ‘star trek’

Wonderpod Episode 227

Wonderpod is here and rolling. One of the regular cast takes a shot at hosting this episode. Other than that a fairly typical show. A little of this and a little of that. Like any good stew. Enjoy it!

Wonderpod Episode 197

Wonderpod is all new this week. I have no clue how to condense this episode into a short introduction. Things started off wrong and just went wild from there. There is a chunk of this show that is going into a top-secret storage bunker. Stored between the arc of the covenant and Half-life 3. We […]

PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites: Star Trek.

While I consider myself for the most part to be a console gamer, it would be very inaccurate to say I haven’t enjoyed my fair share of classic science fiction PC titles. And if  I go even further back in time as a kid, I also enjoyed a few of these titles on the TI994a home computer […]