Posts Tagged ‘steam’

Cannibal Camping 2

Time for some more camping. Cannibal camping that is! Like part one, there is a ton of gore and horrible jokes. We upped the pun game big in this video. So sit back and laugh at how horrible we are. If you have not checked out part one it is here Thanks for watching!!

GTA 5: Fail Rage

Let us start off Monday with a little rage. We all have those moments of self doubt. The I really suck moments. This time I decided to put mine on YouTube. The video actually made me laugh during the edit process. I am such an idiot some times. (okay most of the time) Enjoy my […]

Wonderpod Episode 290

Time for Wonderpod. We are a trio once again. Couple things to note with this episode. One we are done with VR news. Enough is enough already. Second Skype decided to change settings on me for fun. So mic is a bit loud even after tweaking. Sorry about that. Enjoy the show and have a […]

Cannibal Camping 1 (The Forest)

Some video games do not like being recorded. The Forest has proven that again. I would of trash canned this footage, if not for a bunch of bits that made me laugh. Thankfully I learned a thing or two and that is always important. I will warn you this video contains gore and childish behavior. […]

Get Off My Lawn: (CS:GO)

Hey let me post something that isn’t the podcast. I have a hard time not writing these intros without critiquing my crap videos. I still have way to much to learn to get to the cool kid 1080p60 that means your YouTube elite. Might want to learn actually be good at games as well. Enjoy […]

Wonderpod Episode 288

Here we go again. Another episode of Wonderpod is out in the wild. As always we yammer at each other about topics. Some of them are even timely. Thrown in a dash of speculation and lots of terrible jokes. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend.

Wonderpod Episode 287

Here comes more Wonderpod. We start out as three and end as two. That is no riddle, it is just simple subtraction. A number of topic revisits mixed in with some news and a few jokes. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend

Wonderpod Episode 286

Time for a new Wonderpod. In this spot words go describing this episode. After 285 of these there isn’t much left to say. So fuck trying to be clever this week. Just listen to the damn show it’s great. Have a good weekend!

Wonderpod Episode 284

Time for a two man Wonderpod. We wander over a bunch of topics with one blending into the next. We recognize that has been a trend lately. They are just so much fun to do this way. Until we hear complaints there is no reason for us to stop. So enjoy the show and have […]

Wonderpod Episode 283

This week on Wonderpod. Every once in a while the internet decides to throw us a curve. This time Skype decided to stop working correctly. All in an effort to tell us it needed an update. Luckily it was a quick fix and we carried on. Enjoy the episode and have a great weekend.