Posts Tagged ‘iron’

Wonderpod Episode 287

Here comes more Wonderpod. We start out as three and end as two. That is no riddle, it is just simple subtraction. A number of topic revisits mixed in with some news and a few jokes. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend

McGee In: Vanilla Minecraft EP4

A little different adventure this time in Minecraft. I did not have a ton of time to work on projects this week. So I jumped around and did a couple quick things. Mostly to set up a future episode. Minecraft may go on Hiatus starting next week. It will all depend on how much GTA5 […]

Second Look: ArcheAge

I have talked a lot lately about second chances when it comes to video games. It was with that in mind that I installed Archeage for a second time. I cover what I like and don’t like in the video. So no sense repeating myself here in text. Enjoy the video and feel free to […]

Wonderpod Episode 151

This week we take the first step in an expanse of the Wonderpod universe. We talk a little gaming and a lot about movies. There was a little confusion which was my fault and I apologize. There is clarification and the rest of the show is same Wonderpod different topics.

Official News Bulletin: The Glaserton-Snorigim Transcontinental Railroad has been completed.

Late this evening in the small land of Serverville a milestone has been reached in the development of our world.  The ongoing Transcontinental Railroad project has finally been completed.  The enormous project took upwards of 2 weeks to complete, which is equivalent to around 200 Minecraftonian days for you non block heads out there.  A […]

FPS of the Year – 1995

This is a big year, no lie. I won’t say it’s the biggest year, but holy damn. Even still, a lot of titles doesn’t mean a lot of good games, so…well, let’s just get into it.

FPS of the Year – 1994

This is a BIG year, but I think getting movies for all the games and briefly going over them, while it creates more work for me, is a better way of going about this. Sure, it means the article is HUGE, but unless I’m told it’s also BORING, I’m going to keep doing this so […]