Posts Tagged ‘Win’

Wonderpod Episode 157

This weeks Wonderpod was almost wrecked by forces beyond our control. Namely my ISP being losing a fiber optic cable to a knuckle head with a backhoe. Luckily my connection was restored a mere forty five minutes before we were supposed to record. Feels good to finally have some luck thrown our way for once. […]

Windows 8 Doom and Gloom

By now you may have heard that some game developers are freaking out over the soon to be released Windows 8. If you haven’t, go here for to get general idea of the concerns. We have already talked about this once or twice briefly on Wonderpod. I still felt I like there was more to […]

Reviewing the Audience

I see the Mass Affect nonsense has now spawned a few more articles on games journalism. Questioning how reviewers can give ME3 such high scores, when the ending sucked harder than a level one rogue wearing tap shoes. As fun as it would be join the vapid chorus spotting nonsense about reviewers blowing corporate overlords. […]

Stupid Shit Non-Gamers Say About Videogames

Above: not really a gamer. Playing videogames isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but maybe that’s a good thing. People that don’t game at all that happen to stumble across our hobby seem to mistake videogames for an actual sport, kiddie toy, the devil, or many, many other things. These are things […]

A Win For Gaming (Court News)

Ah lawsuits, they are almost always boring and make our readers/audience mad. Yet one came along today that is a very good thing for gamers and the industry. My intention with this post is to explain to you what happened and why it’s a good thing. I hope to do so in a manner that […]