Unless you somehow didn’t pick up the humorously named “limited edition” that was amply avalable on shelves, or you forgot to preorder the game, the absolutly free DLC pack for Battlefield 3 is almost here. And ,a brand shinny new trailer from EA has shown off just how amazing and fun one of 4 maps will […]
Posts Tagged ‘xxx your mom’
PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: StarFox 64.
November 12th, 2011 PatMan
We gamers sure are spoiled these days. The visuals, sounds and online functionality in our modern games have us at a point where we might not even remember how special it was back when something really different or never before experienced appeared in a title. Star Fox 64 was one revolutionary home video game that […]
PatMan Picks Retro PC Games. MechWarrior 2
August 13th, 2011 PatMan
Aside from occasionally going to a friends house to check out a new title now and then, I used to play the majority of my PC games alone. And to be honest, I liked it that way. Some of my friends, including my very own brother, didn’t enjoy playing video games as much as I did […]