Archive for the ‘Fiction’ Category

Biff Zongo – The Gentle Art of Poking a Dead Hooker

Fredrik: This was the first Biff Zongo-story ever and it was originally posted as a guest comic on Rene Engstrom’s popular “Anders Loves Maria”. That was before Jan started to draw Biff so this newer version looks way better. I woke up in the middle of the night and just had this story in my […]

Biff Zongo: Gorgo the Go-Go Dancer

Fredrik: This is one of my weirdest stories ever. “What the hell is this? This is not even an idea!” I said to myself. I thought that Jan would not like it, but it turned out that it was one of his favourite things to draw. That really makes him the weird guy. I mean […]

Biff Zongo: School For Really Dumb Rapists

Hi my name is Fredrik. I do this comic “Biff Zongo” with my friend Jan (we have weird names because we are from Sweden). The comic has been described as “a strange blend of bad-taste, high-brow, below-waist, elitist white trash screwball comedy”. G asked me if I wanted to publish some of the comics here. […]

Minecraft Diary Episode 2

Welcome to the second episode of the minecraft diary. When we last left our poor hero he was in a mushroom induced haze, hiding in a squalid cave. Really no different what a lot of hippies experienced at Woodstock. Join him this week to see how his adventure is going.

Minecraft Diary: EP 1

I am starting a new series, mostly because I can. This will be a diary of my minecraft single player experiences, told with my flair for weird and twisted. Meaning you take one part Sandy Toaster Pant’s plus one part video game. You end up with a nice and hopefully funny little diary of sorts. […]

PatMan Plays: Nintendo 3DS AR cards!

What is going on people? PatMan here with another edition of PatMan plays. I noticed that everyone around WPO had taken a much deserved rest today from last weeks big wrestlemania  festivities, so I decided to put a little bit of “filler” in for our viewing audience. I just purchased the Nintendo 3DS today and […]

Discount Bin Reviews: Freddy vs Jason (DVD)

Having watched the Friday the 13th remake, my wife and I decided to revisit a favorite of ours, Freddy vs Jason. We originally saw the movie in theatres when it came out in the late Summer of 2003, and quite honestly loved it. We knew it wasn’t going to be Pulp Fiction or anything but […]

The NHL Guardian Project

The Legendary Stan Lee has joined forces with the NHL to conger up an all new comic superhero squad like no other, the Guardian Project. Every NHL team is represented by a specific franchise hero for the purpose of being shown off at the all star game this year. An interesting and fun concept where […]

Sunday (re)post

I am still off on my own adventures at the moment. So why not join Sandy Toaster Pants for some fun. This is the fourth episode in the series. If you need to catch up hit the archives under the fiction category. There you can find the first three episodes

Saturday (re)post

I am off doing cowboy stuff this weekend. So I am giving you the third and fourth installment of Sandy Toaster Pant’s.  These stories were some of my favorites when writing them. Enjoy the series.