Wonderpod is back in full volume this week. Recording one show using less than stellar equipment, makes you really appreciate a good microphone. This is also one of those episodes with a theme of sorts. When this happens I can assure you it is never planned. If nothing else this weeks show should be much more pleasing to the ear drums.
Glasenator and I put Jon to sleep
Play Slender damn it!!!
Can meaning and fun go together?
Uncle G is curious about minecraft and makerbots changing society
Linux don’t want your DRM Steam
Captain we need more graphics
The next game from the people that brought you Dear Esther
Too. Much. Minecraft.
However, I did like Jonkinds twitter address…
So we should talk about it twice as much next week?
do it.
Rename the episode Mincraftpod!!
I could probably do my own sub-podcast on just Minecraft. The whole thing would just be me holding conversations with myself while I screw around with a creeper soundboard.
You know Glasenator, that's not a bad idea.
Some sort of 30 -45 min Mincraft podcast. You could have a few of your friends on it that play on the server, and Bruce could even make an appearance as well, if you wanted him to . There are enough people in love with Mincraft that you would have some sort of an audience, especially if you plugged it on Reddit and stumble-upon.
I blame my befuddled angry uncle for contributing to the Minecast.
Ha-ha I like your uncle. He sort of reminds me of Cranky Kong in a few ways!