Welcome to the first ever “PatMan Plays” on our brand new website, Wonderpodonline. I am PatMan and , as those of you who listen to our podcast know, I tend to play videogames. “PatMan Plays” is where you will see and read what I play. I might be playing Halo reach online with listeners of the show, playing and reviewing Nintendo DS games, or even bouncing around like a loon with Kinect. I suppose I play a lot of different things, but here at Wonderpod Online is where you will see some of them.
In my first episode I bring you a youtube video of me playing Kinect Sports. If you are a friend of our Facebook page, “Wonderpod Online” you may have already seen this video, but heck its funny and worth watching it again, I say! Watch as special guest stars the wonderpod dancers give it up for you ! Ha.
Enjoy, and I will see you on the next Wonderpod videogame podcast, and right back here soon!
A kid who works at my night job actually broke his foot playing Kinect Sports. He was jumping hurdles, and came down on a funny angle. Crazy.
Loved the Hulk Hogan reference!
I have hurt my groin playing kinect adventures and hurt my shoulder tossing the javilin. It can actually be hard on the body if your not used to certain movements or come down the wrong way. You definitely get more exercise than with the Wii.