I was told to do an introduction post. Apologies to those of you expecting actual content, you’ll have to sit through another regrettably personal diatrabe.

I’m Dave. I’m new to Wonderpod. Long time listener, first time writer, etc. etc. You have PatMan to thank/blame for bringing me here, we knew each other back in the day, when he was cool and I wasn’t. Not that much has changed, really. I think he’s married, or something. Does that make him cooler? I think that’s worth some consideration.

What you need to know about me: I like to write. I’m a combination jock/geek in ways that make people uncomfortable. I’m not nearly as talented a gamer as a lot of folks here. My claim to fame in any rendition of Halo is being phenomenally bad with any vehicle that’s aerial, and headshotted with the efficiency of someone who gets shot in the head a lot. I had World of Warcraft, and was never an addict. Been clean for almost five years now. Apparently my account was hacked after I left, and the worst part of it was whoever had hacked it had gone and done a better job than I did with my guy. Bit of a kick to the manparts, that.

As my glory days are mostly behind me, you might find me waxing nostalgic about Nintendo games of yore, bemoaning my late-20s lack of reflexes, or griping about the damn kids and their damn cellphones. I might muse for a while about how EarthBound for the SNES is the greatest RPG ever made. I might talk about how the Wii changed my life (and others around me). Or I might wonder about my progression from gaming addict to gaming flirt, buying every once in a while and mostly staying off the “hardcore” scene. But you’ve got lots of folks here who can and do cover that well. Much like FOX News (but in other ways, not at all like FOX News, because I’m not a complete knob) my goal here will be to bring balance.

I’m always up for talking sports (football, baseball, hockey, basketball, in some order) or almost-gaming (PC or Wii, other than that you’re venturing outside my expertise), and sarcasm in any and all forms. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, my other blogging here, and some other fun role-playing geekery at these spots, if you’re into Trek-based writing, and podcasting about said writing.

Thus ends the shameless plugs, and the introduction to me. I’ll be back, when the mood strikes, or when the guys that run this tell me to post or get kicked to the curb. I’m not really a fan of curb-kicking, so let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

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  1. G says:

    God forbid it comes to that.

    Church is here.

    Church gonna shake things up.

    D'Angelo Dinero is on notice! 🙂

  2. Bruce McGee says:

    Welcome Dave, for the record I was not on the committee for making people embarrass themselves with introduction posts. We need to get you in to one of the crews first person shooter games. We can suck together, as I gave up trying to be good around 2005. Its more fun that way.

  3. Justin says:

    Welcome. Nice to know I'm not the newest kind on the block anymore.

  4. PatMan says:

    Hey- Hey Dave!

    Nice intro post here. Hope to see more stuff from you soon.

    Church is now in session on Wonderpodonline.com, baby !

    • Bruce McGee says:

      Careful there, if Church is in session probably half the staff will need to evacuate. 😛

  5. Glasenator says:

    We keep growing. Awesome!

  6. davechurch says:

    You will kneel at the altar of sarcasm, and drink from the well of good humor, friends. This Church is a benevolent one, prone to puns and tomfoolery of the highest order.

    I think the EarthBound post might be first on the list, I can't possibly be the only one that loves it endlessly.