Wonderpod 60 is here and just as wild as ever. Nothing could stop this show from happening. There was a virus, a giant can of red paint and poor PatMan was last seen on a milk carton. None of that slowed us down, although it may have had its influence on some things. We got a certain blue puppet and his buddy to fill in for the missing Canadian. We hope both PatMan and his house find the way home soon. Here have the list of stuff.
Debate Topic: Building a better metacritic?
Survivorman G has grave news and a question. He is the MVP of every show
Activision is holding an election for CEO. Will Kotick survive?
Another developer wins about cheap apps
We follow up on the XBL indie games voting story
What I missed got eaten by the virus. (oops)
Nice show guys, I like the chemistry you 3 had together even though it was the first time the three of you did a show together.
Pretty funny show which is a good thing, glad to hear Scruffy make some appearances! love the scruff!
Survivor Man G has his old gamer rage alien nemesis returning , perhaps looking for a rematch?
I like the new voices on the show, makes things fresh.
I too liked the change in voices (no dis on Pat), and SRD did a good job at shaking things up…. even though he wished death upon me! Ha ha!
I don't understand the silver-ban on ratings either. Sure, there will be some fanboy dicks out there that will negative vote games because they can, but this sends out a really bizarre mixed message. At the same time, it could be worse… could be a PS3 owner trying to get online to play, but their service has been down for days.
Also, there is some sort of backdoor way into Black Ops during the PS service being down, or so I'm told, that allows for HAXOR cheating and whatnot (or so I'm told by a reliable source who I won't name). Sounds broken to me… but you get what you pay for. While 360 servers are susceptible to being hacked as well, they HAVE to be smart about keeping their service protected since you do pay for it. Otherwise, failure to provide service could be fought legally, whereas Sony is providing a free service and not accountable for downtime. I realize you guys didn't talk about this on the show (maybe next week), but wanted to throw down my two cents on the topic somewhere appropriate.
Good point. I hadn’t tohuhgt about it quite that way. 🙂
Little known Wonderpod fact. This was the first appearance simultaneously of the two gentlemen that designed our website's three current logos. Glaser gave us the Drop-Jaw-Gamer pic, and the Wonderpod-Joystick logo, while SRD gave us the "Wonderpod-Online.com" banner logo ( …in space!).