It’s May the 4th, a day my generation has designated Star Wars Day, because it sounds like “May The Force (Be With You).”  It’s a wonderful day for hipster buttplugs and otherwise uninteresting people to look nerd-cool by pretending they like Star Wars.  For real fans such as myself, it runs the gamut of Embarassing to ‘A Day of Mourning.’  In any event, here’s a comic I drew about Star Wars last year.  Please read it!

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2 Responses to “NYAH! TALK ABOUT STAR WARS!”

  1. _G_ says:

    I preordered the 2018 release. It's gonna be awesome! 🙂

    I call this timeless. Yes, I'll be dead before the final date, and yes I live in a self-centered existence…. still timeless. I feel bad for everyone ceasing to exist after I die.


  2. PatMan says:

    Holo vision HD is the wave of the future.
    I wonder if the Wii 100 will use it.