A Visual Interpretation of E3 – Microsoft

The crazy week that was E3 is finally over.  If you listened to the podcast there was tons of news to cover.  So I thought it would be nice to look back on the week, but with pictures of course!  I’m starting this little mini series where I’ll draw pictures of how I thought each of the big 3’s press conferences went.  So without further ado let’s look at Microsoft.






(Wonderpod Editor): Glasenator appears on the Wonderpod podcast, here’s his E3 contributions.

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10 Responses to “A Visual Interpretation of E3 – Microsoft”

  1. _G_ says:

    This is possibly the most awesome thing ever posted on this site… Glaser FTW!


    Will Sony and Nintendo (and possibly EA) get the same treatment? Loved the use of the SP audio clip on the podcast, by the way.

  2. PatMan says:

    nice one.
    Should we put up the first pic and TAG it with Kudo Tsunodas name, as he is on our facebook friends list.
    did anyone put this on reddit yet?

  3. Glasenator says:

    Haha no not yet, I'll put it up. Sure tag Kudo I wonder if he'll say anything. And yes G your sound byte was perfect.

  4. PatMan says:

    I dont think he will be amused. hahah

  5. PatMan says:

    I posted both the article and the picks alone on FB, Your getting some thumbs up and comments lol ! I cant wait for the Sony and Nintendo ones. Very nice work .

  6. Glasenator says:

    Hah thanks, I've got some good ideas.