The vacation is over, which means new Wonderpod. The number of this episode may have possessed the crew. I refuse to apologize for our antics, in fact this episode wins the prize for most laughter while editing. We did manage to talk about video games as well.
Discussion topic is all about Team Fortress 2
Survivornaut G has a question about grades and video games
Onlive is back in the news and may be coming to consoles
Capcom is evil or possibly just misunderstood.
Frame rates, we don’t need no stinking frame rates. (bow down to Id and Carmack)
Great episode gentlemen. It's true I had a bit of luck in that Headhunter match PatMan refers to. I got 45/75 skulls for the team. Ha ha!
In case anyone wants to read the Gamification of Education article, they can do so here:…