This week’s Wonderpod is a little more angry. There was a lot more raging and ranting last night. Mostly from your loyal MP3 herder. Actually there were several old school bits that made a return last night. We did make time to talk video games in between pornville and a distinct lack of pants.
Do you replay games is our discussion topic. Feel free to answer the question in comments.
Chris Loyd has a question for us and it’s another good one
Survivornaut G wants to know what we think of G+
Wrinkled up morons say stupid things. (they might have been zombies)
MW3 being tested for glitches by glitchers. Yeah that is going to end well.
Humm Sounds like the fan I had on in the room was making some noise.
I did hear a faint hum when you talked but it wasn't annoying to my ears. So I see no issue lol
No cmoplintas on this end, simply a good piece.
Glad I’ve fanlily found something I agree with!
OAoETm iakcnlbqlcoa
Pat and I are very lazy. Hey dude, Stampede on Sunday? I'll send you an invite.
Good to see a teanlt at work. I can’t match that.