Biff Zongo: Rape Alley

Fredrik: This is not based on my real life. But a lot of people used to get beat up and robbed in my old hood just outside my window. It was noisy!

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3 Responses to “Biff Zongo: Rape Alley”

  1. Patman says:

    Haha Rape gets so annoying when it keep on happening outside your window.

  2. _G_ says:

    LOL. It's pretty messed up, but true how jaded we can become when subjected to tragedy and crime when exposed to it day in, day out. I like the subversive message here. Instant classic.

  3. Fredrik says:

    When I was in New York on holiday as a thirteen year old kid in 1989 it was the first time I saw homeless people. I gave money to all the homeless people I encountered. Then it started to show up homeless people in Stockholm (Sweden) a few years later and then I became jaded. Now I pass most of them by. You become sadly accustomed to suffering.