Minecraft 1.2 First Look: Jungle Biome

The Minecraft 1.2 update is live and ready for download. So I dropped everything I was doing and got the game all patched up. Then I shot a quick video showing off some of the features I found.  I will have more on this update as I get time. Now I had better pick back up the podcast and finish it.



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2 Responses to “Minecraft 1.2 First Look: Jungle Biome

  1. Glasenator says:

    The server should be updating today as well. I’m sensing an expedition for new land soon.

    • BruceMcGee says:

      It will be interesting to see how it changes the server. I died shortly after this video was done. Now I am stuck in a hole next to lava and its raining outside. Day one of the new world was a bit rough lol.