This Is How You Do It Wrong

I think I may have just found my calling in life. I think game developers should hire me to follow them around and tell them when its time to shut the hell up. Look at this story from CVG and tell me I couldn’t make a career out of shushing idiots like this. Yeah I know I already bagged on one person in this story. I guess marketing and PR are to busy watching metacritic to keep stories like this out of the press.

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John Cena vs. Eddie Kingston

I’m trying to find a place to start with this and it’s just not happening. So forgive me for being a little disjointed in starting here. I have my favorite promos. Anything that comes out of Mick Foley’s or Ric Flair’s mouth. I remember Al Snow cutting a promo in the ECW days before a big match that was so quiet and to the point and great. There was Roddy Piper at Halloween Havoc in 1996. And of course there was CM Punk’s “The Promo” where I couldn’t sleep that night because I couldn’t decide if it was a work or not. Guys could make you hate them with a short 5-minute promo like Owen Hart, Jerry Lawler or Bubba Ray Dudley. Or the guys who could have you eating out of their hand like Jake “The Snake”, The Rock or Dusty Rhodes.

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Words That Need to Die

There are a lot of words used on the internet. Which makes sense as man can not live on cat pictures alone. No matter what the average reddit user might say to the contrary. Yet there are quite a few abused and misused words out there. Some of them need to die in a fire after I pour gasoline on them. I will not however cross the street to pee on them while they are burning. If you haven’t figured it out this is a list of internet terms that need to die.
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Bored Wrestling Fan Podcast: Survivor Series Discussion

Being the author of this article, it comes as no surprise I am involved. Yep, WPO crew… it’s another one of those podcast things, this one talking wrestling. There’s also a super special announcement for the site somewhere within the recording. Just like the nWo had the Wolfpac (they were terrible at spelling in the WCW), our two sites collide to make awesome things happen. Here’s your link to the official article and mp3.


Take This Score and Shove It

It amazes me how stupid developers are getting. It is like they don’t seem to get how the gaming industry works. I mean it’s a fairly simple process from what I can tell. Someone comes up with an idea for a game or a sequel. Then the money to make said game is acquired. The game gets made and released to reviewers. They review the game and then it goes to the general public. Now in my mind once the reviewers get their grubby little paws on a game, developer’s and publisher’s should just sit back and see what happens. Making anything for public consumption is a gamble and you don’t always succeed in that arena. Apparently since success is so important, some developers have decided to insert themselves into the review/consumer part of the cycle. This is not something we should be happy about.

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Hand Holding Vs. Being Totally Lost

Sometimes moderation really is best, as is the case in hand holding vs. being totally lost. What the hell am I even talking about? We’ve all been there. “I know I move the joystick to go forward, thanks. Yes, I’m pretty sure the jump button still makes me jump. Way to go, I never would’ve figured out a TRIGGER BUTTON would let me fire my gun.” But what about the other side?
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Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 20 – 16

SRD here. And once again, I’ve rounded up all our friends from Wonderpod, TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. OMG! We’re in the TEENS! We got some interesting entries this week. Check us out, why don’t you? We’re almost to the end…

20. Mega Man 2
19. Fallout: New Vegas
18. Zelda: The Wind Waker
17. Planescape: Torment
16. Crystalis

Chikara High Noon 11-13-2011

I should probably write an intro here. I do a lot of rambling here so I apologize for the length. If you want a real recap, you can find that anywhere. These are meditations of the iPPV event and my stream-of-consciousness as it happened.

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Scruffy Holiday Classics

Hey friends. SRD here. Not to worry, the Top 50 will resume shortly. But I wanted to take a moment to remind you all of some past greatness. With Thanksgiving all up ons, and with the Scruffy Thanksgiving Special looming, I felt it appropriate to review Scruffy’s previous Holiday specials, as they are his best episodes. BEHOLD! Pioneer Day, Halloween and Christmas! The entire Scruffy archive can be found here.

Biff Zongo: Dada-Gogo!!

Fredrik: To my understanding this is what my son is trying to tell me.