PatMan Plays : Super Mario 3D Land. First Impressions!

I don’t think there is a single Super Mario platform game that I have not played and enjoyed. However, to be honest, Super Mario 3D Land is probably my most anticipated Super Mario platform game in a long, long time. Its the first  true , “real 3DS game”, created from the ground up specifically to utilize the 3DS unique hardware. This game, people, is a showcase for what the 3DS can really do and although I am very early into the title I can safely say it is absoluelty great. This is not a review of the game, you can get my thoughts on the title when you listen to Wonderpod Video Game podcast episode 89 on iTunes or right here at the web site next week. This is  my first and very early impressions on the title that will  make many of you buy a 3DS this holiday.

Why I love being a gamer. Just about ready to play an all new Super Mario Platform game!

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PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: StarFox 64.

We gamers sure are spoiled these days. The visuals, sounds and online functionality in our modern games have us at a point where we might not even remember how special it was back when something really different or never before experienced appeared in a title. Star Fox 64 was one revolutionary home video game that did just that. It was not because of how it sounded, although the music, voices and the sound effects were top notch at its time. And it was not because of its very impressive 3d polygon graphics. That had been already done, albeit to much lesser extent, on the SNES with the SFX chip and the original Star Fox. What made Star Fox 64 absolutely revolutionary and special was that it was the first video game that we could actually FEEL.That’s right, feel. And it was done so well that it influenced and changed an entire generation of home video games forever. Nintendo introduced the first ever force feedback device, the”Rumble Pack”and they packaged it in with the first game to  ever support it, Star Fox 64. For the first time ever we could feel when we got hit by an enemy, we could feel the wind if our airwing was dangerously close to the water surface, we could feel the impact with another ship and of course those amazing rumbles when the bosses exploded felt like nothing else gamers had experienced before. Star Fox 64 and the Rumble Pack introduced an amazing new level of realism and interaction that gamer’s could now enjoy. Force feedback technology would get much smaller and better, of course, and other game companies would copy the idea much like they do with all of Nintendo’s innovations. An exciting and fun game, Star Fox 64 had amazingly detailed levels filled with fun space ship combat. It had memorable characters, cool locations and amazing boss battles for its time. Add to that the introduction of force feedback and it is, unquestionably, one of the very best games in N64 history. No other StarFox game since Star Fox 64 has surpassed it for its fun or its innovation.
[youtube 0Rg048AQX6Q]

PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Chris Benoit vs B.G Holliday

Welcome back to another classic encounter in Calgary’s rich past. This time around we will take a look at a young “cocky” wrestler by the name of B.G. Holliday as he takes on a young Chris Benoit. Holliday never became an international super star like Benoit did, he would never become multi time world champion in the major federations. However, he was a  talented grappler and had one important thing that many of the famous wrestler’s lacked in this promotion. He had absolutely great mic skills, he had the gift of gab. While legends such as Bret Hart, Chris Benoit & The Dynamite Kid may have been some of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, most Stampede stars were not great on the microphone, especially early in their careers. And this is where  Holliday really shined. His mic skills, even at this early stage of his young wrestling career, were some of the best in the territory and he reminded me very much of Chris Jericho in both his wrestling and his mic skills. A cocky Jonathan Holliday quickly became “the man that fans loved to hate” in the territory. Interestingly, Holliday was involved in some of the “darker moments” of Stampedes history. This was a time when the promotions business side became less well run by its promoters and as a result wrestlers were leaving for bigger organizations with bigger wallets. There is a story that the Dynamite Kid, after returning from the WWF injured, broken and addicted to drugs,became  jealous of Holliday’s quick success in Calgary, wanted to run him out of town and bad mouth him in the industry. If this famous story was an exaggeration of real events I can not tell you, however there are great stories of a back ally fight in Calgary on electric avenue between the former British Bulldog and Holiday over drugs, jealousy, and pay days that needed to be settled. Other events are rumored to have taken place between the two, but as they are both unconfirmed and very illegal, I shall not get into them. Just realise that both men left Canada soon after, and it was not because they didn’t like the cold weather! Enjoy the match and I will return with another “ring- a ding-dong -dandy” next week!
[youtube Ycz02-890V0]

Smackdown: 11/11/11: You Should Watch This Episode.

In Canada, we observe Remembrance Day. I have only respect for this holiday. In the USA, they celebrate Veteran’s Day today… but I’m not American. Nonetheless, I hope people south of the border hold the same regard that I do for my Nation’s holiday.

However, today is also Friday, which means that Smackdown is on. Tonight’s episode was taped in the United Kingdom. Rumor has it that Vince McMahon has become “too tired” to oversee Smackdown and leaves it to others lately. That might explain why it has been a very good program. Will that trend continue? Let’s hop to it, shall we?

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Pintnoir’s Impact Wrestling Review- 11/10/11

Here’s another edition of Impact Wrestling. Where tonight cowardly heels return, Garrett Bischoff shows his skills and Karen continues to screech her way onto my television screens. Lets take a look.

Back in Georgia.

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Wonderpod Episode 88

We got a brand new Wonderpod ready to drop. As always we are talking all thing gaming people. We did forget to mention one item on the show and I would like to do that now. Minecraft the lovely little indie game reached the four million mark in sales last week. We here at Wonderpod and WPO would like to congratulate the crew at Mojang on this amazing milestone. Now on to the rest of the show.

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FPS of the Year 2001

I’m on a roll! Time to head right into 2001. Just like last time, if you click on the pics, it will bring up a youtube movie of the game, so as to save loading time for the page. There are 23 games this year, so let’s go!
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Biff Zongo: Spank the Monkey

Fredrik: Being a father has given me a whole new appreciation for animals. I point at them in books and go “The lion says ROOAAR!! And the cat says mjau-mjau!”.
When I see a dog on the street I actually have a hard time not pointing and going “The dog says RUFF-RUFF!!” whether my son is with me or not.
Well that’s a lie, in Sweden we say VOFF-VOFF!!

FPS of the Year – 2000

It’s good to be back! Where have I gone? Well, ah, nowhere, BUT THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT! It’s time for another GoTY and we’re going to kick it back off with FPS of the Year 21st century! Now this time there won’t be movies this time unless you click on the pictures (where I can find movies anyway), especially due to how they immensely bogged down the articles last time. We have 24 games this year and it was very hard to pick a #1. Just like last time, let’s start with the runners up.
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Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 25 – 21

SRD here. And once again, I’ve rounded up all our friends from Wonderpod, TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. OMYGOSH! WE’RE IN THE TOP 25! And there are some serious heavy hitters this week. Check us out.

25. Super Smash Bros. Melee
24. Sonic the Hedgehog
22/23. Mario Kart
21. Chrono Trigger