Biff Zongo: Wishes for a Better World

Fredrik: This is basically me. Every time I try to write something serious, it turns to hookers and heroin after the three first lines. It’s a disorder.

Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: #10 is Halo

Hey friends, SRD here. We have entered the final stage of the countdown, and I will be posting one entry from the Top Ten every day until we reach #1. We begin, appropriately, with Halo at #10. Read more »

Wonderpod Online’s Top 50 Games: 11 – 15

SRD here. And once again, I’ve rounded up all our friends from Wonderpod, TCR Comix and Nintendo Legend for another round of our Top 50 Games of All Time. We enter the Top 10 next week, but not before we have our say about these guys.

15. Banjo-Tooie
14. Bioshock
13. EA NHL Hockey 2010
12. Goldeneye 007
11. Doom

Why The Wpod Crew Still Wont Be Buying COD MW3…Yet.

Unless you somehow didn’t pick up the humorously named “limited edition” that was amply avalable on shelves, or you forgot to  preorder the game, the absolutly free DLC pack for Battlefield 3 is almost here.  And ,a brand shinny new trailer from EA has shown off  just how amazing and fun one of  4 maps will be. When you check out the trailer below realize that’s entirely in game footage.  I am impressed, yet again. The vehicles , environmental destructibility, ultra realistic sound effects, well, everything. Looks like team work, strategy, squad play and very good shooting skills with your weapons are as important as ever. I am personally looking forward to the Wake Island map, although it looks like they turned it into a very dirty,  gray, war torn looking map as opposed to the beautiful, tropicial colorful map of the past. But that’s just aesthetics. It will be great to see it in all its frostbite 2 glory. See you all on the battlefield in December. For the rest of you that  are enjoying COD and its inevitable $15 dollar map pack, enjoy it and have lots of fun. That’s what playing video games is for ! We will see you there I am sure. Eventually. We are  just in no hurry for the same old spawn camping, twitch gaming ,selfish multi player mode of FPS that we grew up with for all those years past since the days of Quake 2. At least, we are not jumping back into that just yet. And not when this map pack is almost here!

Smackdown 11/18/11: A.J. Didn’t Really Need That Spine Anyways….

Wow, today was really long. Getting called back to the night job after getting home made things unnessarily longer, so getting to Smackdown so late is not bode well for my FFW button. Nonetheless, I have been enjoying this program over all other programs (barring ROH), and it is the go home show before Survivor Series… so let’s hop to it, shall we?
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Late Edition- Pintnoir’s thoughts on Impact Wrestling-11/17/11

Since I’m past the date of due, I decided after watching Impact Wrestling a day late to just run through what I liked and what really irritated the hell out of me.  Why you ask? Because after treading around for hours for a site to view it from I watched what could be only described as a shitty attempt at booking and story. The backstage segments felt just sadly inserted into the show where it looked as if Steve Borden (Sting minus makeup) Ninja vanished into a locker room only after seconds earlier talking to Matt Morgan and Crimson and convincing them to take on Mexican America. And lets not forget watching James Storm trek through the back looking for his assailant in one asinine confrontation after another.

Lurking like a ninja in the dark.
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Biff Zongo: Feng Shui vs. Other Crap

Fredrik: I’m no expert, but I would say 3-0 to Feng Shui.

Wonderpod Episode 89

It is that time of the year. It is gameageddon. We barely survived the avalanche of new releases this week. So you can expect lots of talk about dragons, saints, master chief, and Mario in his fur suit. We of course found other topics to talk about as well. So sit back and relax because this show is right up your alley. Yes even you way back there in the corner touching yourself. Stop that or you’ll blind damn it.
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Glasenator reviews Super Mario 3D Land


Nintendo’s newest Mario game was finally released last Sunday. But does the plumber’s latest adventure justify the purchase of a 3DS; and more importantly, does the 3D actually work?  Take a look inside to see how Super Mario 3D Land stacks up to past games of the franchise.

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Discount Bin Reviews: Watchmen (DVD)

Watchmen co-creator Alan Moore has a history of distancing himself from any film adaptation of his comic book creations. From the completely bloated League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to the controversial V for Vendetta, the quality of the movies based on Moore’s writing have been very hit or miss despite their critically renowned source material. In this reviewer’s opinion, Moore can be a little sated that this adaptation of his most famous work, Watchmen, is probably the best of the lot, though it does suffer from a few Hollywood excesses.

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